  • 期刊


Effects of high-intensity interval exercise and moderate-intensity endurance exercise on cerebral and muscular oxygen saturation


緒論:許多研究指出高強度間歇訓練可達與中強度耐力訓練相同或更好的體適能益處,且只需一半的時間。因此,此種訓練也被建議用在一般健康人的運動處方中。此外,大腦與肌肉的氧飽和度,可能會受到運動強度所影響,但只有少數研究在這兩種運動模式下做進一步觀察。因此,本文目的為探討高強度間歇運動(high-intensity interval exercise, HIIE)與中強度耐力運動(moderate-intensity endurance exercise, MIEE)對大腦與肌肉氧飽和度之影響。方法:招募12位男性大學生,並於第一次來訪時實施遞增負荷運動測驗以判定最大攝氧量。於48小時後,使其以隨機平衡次序方式進行HIIE (6×30秒溫蓋特衝刺,搭配5分鐘動態恢復)及MIEE(以第一換氣閾值的強度進行60分鐘)。以近紅外線光譜儀測量左、右前額葉與右側股四頭肌的氧飽和度。結果:MIEE腦部含氧血紅素(cerebral oxyhemoglobin, c [O_2Hb])(右:4.94 ± 1.07;左:5.00 ± 1.42 μmol)顯著高於HIIE的第1趟衝刺(右:2.25 ± 0.99;左:2.30 ± 1.18 μmol) (p < .05),而腦部去氧血紅素(cerebral deoxyhemoglobin, c [HHb])的部份,MIEE僅有右腦去氧血紅素(R_c [HHb])(1.10 ± 0.61 μmol)顯著高於HIIE的第1趟(0.29 ± 0.51 μmol)與第2趟(0.24 ± 0.43 μmol)(p < .05)。MIEE腦部去氧含氧血紅素差(cerebral hemoglobin difference, c [DiffHb])(右:3.84 ±1.05;左:4.32 ± 1.09 μmol)則顯著高於HIIE的第1趟衝刺(右:1.96 ± 1.04;左:1.94 ±1.16 μmol) (p < .05)。肌肉含氧血紅素(muscular oxyhemoglobin, m [O_2Hb])的部分,MIEE(-9.10 ± 7.17 μmol)顯著高於HIIE的6趟衝刺(p < .05),而MIEE與HIIE的6趟衝刺肌肉去氧血紅素(muscular deoxyhemoglobin, m [HHb])之間並無顯著差異(p > .05)。最後,在肌肉去氧含氧血紅素差(muscular hemoglobin difference, m [DiffHb])的部分,MIEE顯著高於HIIE的6趟衝刺(p < .05)。結論:HIIE每趟衝刺的肌肉氧飽和度皆低於MIEE,但腦部氧飽和度低於MIEE的情況僅發生於HIIE初期。


Introduction: Many studies have indicated that the fitness benefits of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) are similar to or better than those of moderate-intensity endurance training (MIET), and that HIIT only takes half the time of MIET. Therefore, HIIT has been used in exercise prescriptions for general population. On the other hand, the intensity of the exercise may influence cerebral prefrontal and muscular oxygenation. However, only a few studies have observed the influence of cerebral and muscular oxygenation in these two exercise types. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the acute effects of high-intensity interval exercise (HIIE) and moderate-intensity endurance exercise (MIEE) on cerebral and muscular oxygenation. Methods: Twelve collegiate male students voluntarily participated in this study. During the first visit, the participants performed a graded exercise test to determine the maximal oxygen uptake. After 48 h, the participants performed HIIE (6 × 30-s Wingate sprints with a 5-min active recovery) and MIEE (intensity at 1^(st) ventilatory threshold for 60 min) in a randomized counter-balanced order. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was used to evaluate oxygenation in the right (R) and left (L) prefrontal cortex and right quadriceps. Results: The cerebral oxyhemoglobin (c [O_2Hb]) in MIEE (R: 4.94 ± 1.07; L: 5.00 ± 1.42 μmol) was significantly higher than that at the 1^(st) sprint (R: 2.25 ± 0.99; L: 2.30 ± 1.18 μmol) (p < .05). Only the right cerebral deoxyhemoglobin (R_c [HHb]) in MIEE (1.10 ± 0.61 μmol) was higher than those at the 1^(st) (0.29 ± 0.51 μmol) and the 2^(nd) sprints (0.24 ± 0.43 μmol) (p < .05). The cerebral hemoglobin difference (c [DiffHb]) in MIEE (R: 3.84 ± 1.05; L: 4.32 ± 1.09 μmol) was significantly higher than that at the 1^(st) sprint (R: 1.96 ± 1.04; L: 1.94 ± 1.16 μmol) (p < .05). The muscular oxyhemoglobin (m [O_2Hb]) in MIEE (-9.10 ± 7.17 μmol) was significantly higher than those in HIIE (p < .05). The muscular deoxyhemoglobin (m [HHb]) were not significantly different between MIEE and HIIE. The muscular hemoglobin difference (m [DiffHb]) in MIEE was significantly higher than those in HIIE (p < .05). Conclusions: Muscular oxygenation in HIIE was lower than in MIEE; however, the lower cerebral oxygenation was only found in the first period of HIIE when compared with MIEE.


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