  • 期刊


The Effects of Squats on Shortening the Duration of Labor and Reducing Unplanned Caesarean Sections among Full-Term Primiparas


產前運動能有效控制產婦體重及血糖,並改善孕期不適,有研究證實,中強度運動可縮短產程時間,但未見針對深蹲運動對產程進展時間的探討。探討深蹲運動對足月初產婦縮短產程進展,及降低非計畫性剖腹產之成效。採隨機化對照組後測設計,以北部某教學醫院妊娠滿36週,足月初產孕婦為對象。實驗組(n=60)採深蹲運動,控制組(n=60)進行常規的產前運動衛教,產程時間及生產方式以病歷查詢方式進行資料收集。產婦在第一產程所花費的平均時間,實驗組(180.5±178.6分鐘)顯著低於對照組(254.6±151.5分鐘;p <0.05),兩組相差74.1分鐘;第二產程時間實驗組(82.6±66.4分鐘)顯著低於對照組(143.6±89.5分鐘;p <0.001),相差61.0分鐘;且總產程時間實驗組(264.9±222.0分鐘)也顯著低於對照組(403.6±179.5分鐘;p <0.001)138.6分鐘。而在非計畫性剖腹產人數上,實驗組(n=6;10%)與對照組(n=18;30%)也有顯著差異(p<0.05)。依據本研究結果,自懷孕36週開始執行的深蹲運動,可加速第一、第二產程的進展,並降低非計畫性剖腹產率,可作為醫護人員在建立產前運動護理指導照護模式之參考。


Prenatal exercises can effectively control the weights and blood sugar of pregnant women and mitigate their discomfort during pregnancy. Some studies have shown that moderate-intensity exercises can shorten labor time. However, studies on the effects of squats on labor time remain to be performed. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of squats on reducing the duration of labor and the number of unplanned caesarean sections among full-term primiparas. This study adopted a randomized control group posttest design, and selected full-term primiparas with a gestation period of 36 weeks at a teaching hospital in northern Taiwan as the study participants. The experimental group (n = 60) performed squats, whereas the control group (n = 60) received health education and performed regular prenatal exercises. The participants' duration of labor and modes of production were collected from their medical records. The experimental group (180.5±178.6 mins) spent significantly less time than the control group (254.6 ± 151.5 mins) in the first stage of labor (p < 0.05) with 74.06 minutes difference. The experimental group (82.6 ± 66.4 mins) also spent significantly less time than the control group (143.6 ± 89.5 mins) in the second stage of labor (p < 0.001) with 61.0 minutes difference. Concerning total labor time, it was significantly 138.6 minutes lower for the experimental group (264.9 ± 222.0 mins) than for the control group (403.6 ± 179.5 mins; p < 0.001). Regarding the number of unplanned caesarean sections, it was significantly lower for the experimental group (n = 6; 10%) than for the control group (n = 18; 30%; p <0.05). The study results showed that pregnant women performing squads after a gestation period of 36 weeks can speed up their labor duration in stage 1 and 2 of labor and less unplanned caesarean sections. The results may serve as references to clinical practitioners when drafting prenatal health care program.
