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Experience During a Student Exchange Program in Thailand: Observations on and Comparison of Medical Education in Taiwan and Thailand


2008年3月17日到2008年5月9日,筆者透過台灣大學醫學系的國外臨床見習計畫前往泰國宋卡王子大學(Prince of Songkla University)附設醫院,並於2008年5月12日到2008年5月23日自行申請至泰國朱拉隆功大學(Chulalongkorn University)附設醫院見習。根據三個月的觀察與體驗,本文第一部分將簡述交換學生過程、簡介兩所大學及泰國醫學相關制度;第二部分分析與醫學相關之社會、文化、英文教育等面向;最後比較台灣與泰國醫療環境之異同。希冀能增進醫學教育工作者對泰國的了解,並期望兩國在未來有更多醫學教育合作的機會。


Through the overseas exchange clerkship program of the School of Medicine, National Taiwan University, the first author went to the affiliated hospital of the Prince of Songkla University between March 17(superscript th) and May 9(superscript th), 2008, and to the affiliated hospital of Chunglalongkorn University between May 12(superscript th) and May 23(superscript rd), 2008. Based on participation in activities at these hospitals and observation during the three-month exchange, the authors drafted this article. In the first part of the article, we describe the exchange program process, introduce the two universities, and explain the medical system in Thailand. In the second section, we analyze the various social, cultural and international aspects of medical education that were observed during the exchange period. In the last section, we compare the Taiwanese and Thai medical environments. We hope that this article will increase understanding of Thai medical education among Taiwanese medical educators and will facilitate future collaboration between medical educators from the two countries.


National Statistical Office, Thailand
Tools for the Patient Presentation
