  • 期刊


Display Methods on Interactions between Museum Visitors and Document Exhibits A Case Study on Two Special Exhibitions of NMTH, Transformations in 1895: 120 Years After the Japanese Conquest of Taiwan and Something about Map: Taiwan History in Map




Exhibitions are one of the four main functions of a museum, it links with the museum education, the display of museum research and collection achievements, makes up part of the visitor leisure, and also an important connection of between the museum and visitors. Special exhibitions, due to its flexibility comparing to fixed or permanent exhibits and ability to attract visitors, often become the main theme of museum propaganda. Museums also connect with different ethnic groups, discuss contemporary social issues through holding special and traveling exhibitions on various different topics, and there for accomplish the museum's feature on social education. But when it comes to special exhibitions displaying mainly paper documents, which normally don't interest or attract the attention of visitors, to overcome this disadvantage and create specific scenarios to match with the exhibition topic becomes a major subject of the curators. This article looks into two different exhibitions in of the NMTH, which displays paper exhibits such as maps, name lists, letters, books and other documents. Through observation on the display methods these exhibition use, we can divide their means into two separate types. One type is to display the exhibits directly and use the unique feature of documents and drawings to bring out sympathetic response from visitors; the other type is to extract the content of the document and convert it into interactive devices, films and even restored scenes. Through analyzing these different methods, this article hopes to provide future exhibitions with different ways of displaying document, which brings out the many rich phases of the document content through different angles such as history, art and daily life.


Museum Exhibition Display Method Document


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郭義復(2001)。新博物館學的展示觀,博物館學季刊,15(3)。 https://doi.org/10.6686/MuseQ.200107_15(3).0002
