  • 期刊


Marketing Communication Strategies for School Enrollment


本研究旨在探討行銷溝通策略在學校招生之應用,採用自編的行銷溝通策略招生問卷,抽取台灣南區某所國中學生572人和家長243人為研究對象,並晤談學生和家長14人,使用敘述統計、t檢定、單因子變異與積差相關分析,所得的結論:行銷溝通策略的重要他人行銷影響家長和學生最大,家長和學生對聽覺傳播行銷較不關注,家長的主觀態度直接影響學生選擇學校,學生選校會重視學校所提供的資源行銷策略價值,以及家長與學生的認知對於學校的行銷溝通策略有正相關。 依據結論,提出有利學校招生的建議:在家長方面,學校應該多辦理親職教育活動作學校行銷,學校老師必須利用適當時間到學生家作有效的家庭拜訪,學校要多重視品牌形象的建立和維護,學校應適時辦理多項多元活動吸引家長對學校的關注和參與。在學生方面,學校要多舉辦營隊和競賽活動吸收優秀人才,學校應特地為國小學生辦理動態活動吸引學生,學校必須派老師到國小作招生說明會讓學生了解學校,學校可以多提供優渥獎學金和贈送獎品作宣傳。期望相關研究結果可做為學校未來經營實務參考依據,亦可作為學術從事相關研究參考。


The research aims to investigate marketing communication strategies for school enrollment. A designed questionnaire for marketing communication strategies was conducted in the study. A sample of 572 students and 243 parents was selected, as well as fourteen students and their parents were interviewed in a junior high school in southern Taiwan. Descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson product-moment correlation were used for data analysis. It concludes that marketing significant others are the most influential among the marketing communication strategies, however, parents and students are less concerned about acoustic communication marketing. In decision making, both the subjective attitude from parents directly affecting students and the value for resources marketing strategies offered by school is paid much attentioned from students, as well as the recognition of parents and students for school marketing communication strategies are positively correlated. According to the conclusion, useful suggestions are offered: For parents, school should arrange more parental education activities for school marketing. Teachers have to make good use of the appropriate time for effective home interview at student's house. Besides, school should pay more attention to the establishment and maintenance of brand image and offer various activities at the right moment to draw parents' attention and participation in school. For students, school has to hold more camps and contests in order to recruit excellent students. School should especially arrange active activities to attract elementary school students and send teachers to do school enrollment promotion for them to understand the school. Finally, school can provide more scholarships and rewards as advertisement. It is hoped that relevant research results can be the references for school management practices in the future as well as the relevant academic studies.


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教育部(2006)。各級學校名錄。2010年6月5日取自: http://www.edu.tw/EDUWEB/EDUMGT/STATISTICS/EDU7220001/data/school/h1.php
