  • 期刊


An Imitative Regionalism?-The Yi-Lan Experience of Sheng-Yuan Huang


近年來,黃聲遠建築師在宜蘭地區的建築作品表現出不同以往台灣公共建築的空間操作形式,透過其作品所反映出的地方色彩,使得黃聲遠被視為台灣本土地域性建築師的代表之一,現今地方建築普遍受到全球化影響的同時,黃聲遠的建築作品從本土文化脈絡發展出地域性空間的實踐,提出對全球化發展的反思。透過黃聲遠在宜蘭地區的設計案例,可以提供給當前台灣建築在多元化潮流下發展自我定位方面的些許參考價值。 本文試圖以地域性構築文化理論輔以實證研究,透過台灣當代建築師黃聲遠的作品,分析、檢證其有關地域性特質的空間呈現與構築觀的設計實踐。從黃聲遠九件公共建築作品案例,說明影響黃聲遠在地域性構築實踐的關鍵因素,並透過比較分析的方式,試圖從自然環境、文化表徵、空間形式、構築技術,材料表現等方面,呈現黃聲遠對於在地性的設計實踐與「批判性地域主義」兩者之間看似相近又立場各異的辨證關係。 在操作方面,批判性地域主義藉由回應地域環境文化與構築性的表現,在空間型態、構造形式與細部構成等,建構出具有批判性地域價值的建築空間。對應於黃聲遠的設計,則可看出其作品呈現叛逆與自省的內在意圖,並將風土與自然的擬仿作為地域性設計實踐的操作手法,表現出多元化的地域空間特質,此種企圖或許預示了台灣當代建築可能的新方向,然而,在地域環境的回應方面,卻也呈現出一種拼貼式、表象化的設計操作。


Sheng-Yuan Huang's works in Yi-Lan show quite different appearances from the general public buildings in recent years in Taiwan. In terms of the locality in his works, Huang is treated as one of the representative regionalistic architects in Taiwan. In the context while the widespread globalization has cast influences on local architecture, Huang put his works into practice to question the vague development in built environment. Through the case study of Huang's public works in Yi-Lan, we may offer a framework of reference in seeking the position in the development of current Taiwan architecture. The method of this paper includes a reconstruction of regionalism and tectonics of relevant discourses and literature, as well as field investigations of some typical cases of Huang. We attempt to survey the regionalistic spatial representation and tectonic design in practice of his works. Nine public buildings designed by Huang were covered to clarify the factors of his regional tectonic design thinking. A comparative analysis is presented in five dimensions, including 'the natural environment,' 'the cultural features,' 'the spatial form,' 'the construction technique' and 'the representation in material.' This study demonstrates the essential meanings in Huang's regionalistic design agenda and the dialectical relationship between his design and critical regionalism. Critical regionalism architecture not only reflects regional cultural context, tectonic expression, construction appearance and details but also actively creates reflective and autonomic spaces. We may see the rebel and introspective intention represented the regional feature in Huang's works through an imitative design operation. The design manipulation might foreshadow an alternative direction in contemporary Taiwan architecture; however, Huang's works also reflects a superficial intermixture and a visualized expressionism in regional response.


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