  • 期刊

冷凍或加溫乾燥Riemerella anatipestifer死菌苗抗原對番鴨之免疫保護力

Development and Immunoprotectivity Evaluation of Riemerella Anatipestifer Bacterin in Muscovy Ducklings


Riemerella anatipestifer(RA)死菌菌苗的製作常有抗原液之抗原濃度太低、佔用太大冷藏空間和長期冷藏後之抗原性變質等問題。以本實驗室分離和經血清型別鑑定、聚合聯鎖反應鑑定和鴨隻病原性測試後所挑選之3株(9302、9315和9402)具較高毒力及保護第2血清型RA之感染力,經含有10%鴨肉汁之腦心浸液培養、添加福馬林不活化,再以冷凍或55℃乾燥濃縮供為量產長期保存RA抗原之籌畫,做成12種含不同抗原含量(含有2、1、0.5、0.25或0.125%回溶菌體)之不活化RA氫氧化鋁膠或油質菌苗,以與原有之含1%不活化菌體所做成之菌苗在幼番鴨免疫21天比較其耐受野外分離之18株RA攻擊混合菌液之保護力,並另置1組為未免疫攻擊對照組。結果以不活化細菌原液當抗原做成鋁膠菌苗可獲得83.3%保護力,以55℃乾燥含1%菌體之鋁膠菌苗抗原之免疫保護力降低至33.37%,以冷凍乾燥抗原液若含有0.5%以上回溶抗原液之離心沉澱菌體可將RA不活化鋁膠或油質菌苗之保護力提升至91.7%。以本實驗室分離之3株RA強毒株可做成具高保護力之不活化菌苗抗原,該抗原可大量製作後冷凍乾燥濃縮長期保存,降低其生產成本及提升其免疫保護力。


Riemerella anatipestifer(RA) bacterin preparation always face to have the problems of antigenic solution in low antigenic content, taking large refrigerating space and antigenic deterioration after the long term storage. The 3 strains (9302, 9315 and 9402) of RA originally isolated by this laboratory were further serotyped, polymerase chain reaction identified and pathogenicity and cross protectivity evaluated as high virulent and cross protective ones. The 3 RA strains were massively cultivated in brain heart infusion (BHI) broth enriched with 10% duck meat extract, then formalin inactivated, lyophilized or 55℃ heat dried in order to practicing of long term RA antigen preservation work. The antigen was then used to prepare 12 varieties in antigen content (containing 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25 or 0.125% pellet of the antigen resuspension) of aluminum hydroxide gel type vaccine (Gel) or oil emulsion vaccine (OEV) for immunizing Muscovy ducklings. A group of the ducklings immunized or nonimmunized with the formalin killed RA antigen in BHI (broth)-Gel was also included. All the ducklings were challenged with a mixture of 18 field isolates of RA at 21 days post vaccination. A positive and a negative challenge control were also included. The original broth-Gel was found providing 83.3% protectivity. The 1% 55℃ heat-dried-Gel was found providing 33.7% protectivity. Only the groups of the duckling immunized with the Gel or OEV containing >0.5% pellet of the RA antigen resuspension were found with slight improvement of the protectivity to 91.7%. The 3 field isolates of RA are good to prepare the RA killed antigen in making RA Gel or OEV for immunizing ducklings. The antigen can be massively produced and lyophilized for long term preservation in cutting down their production cost and improving their protectivity.
