  • 期刊

再思「La Convivencia」:安達露西亞伊斯蘭時期「穆斯林與非穆斯林關係」初探

Rethinking "La Convivencia": A Preliminary Study on the Relations between Muslims and Non-Muslims in the Islamic Andalusia


伊比利半島的西哥德帝國被伍麥亞朝穆斯林擊潰後,歐洲大陸西南地區便被納入伊斯蘭世界;也因為文化交流、宗教容忍、共存社會的環境創造了安達露西亞(Andalucia)伊斯蘭文明的黃金時期。雖然在穆斯林統治期間,尤其是在末期,這個地區仍未能免於事端與爭戰,甚至免於種族與宗教迫害,但此時期所標榜的「La Convivencia」(和平共存)理念,則可稱作是後世文化多元與交融發展的典範。然而,這種烏托邦式社會種族多元化、宗教容忍,卻充滿了諸多不和諧與不正義。「和平共存」現象一再地被對立、暴力、族群猜忌破壞殆盡。誠然,在這個所謂安達露西亞伊斯蘭黃金時期中所產生的宗教迫害,並非全然基於非自願的信仰改宗,但無可否認,穆斯林統治者對特定族群的清洗事實存在,因此在這段所謂的黃金時期中,社會群體的兩極化與相互仇視情境,實為「和平假象」下的真相。本論文將試圖檢討西元第八到十一世紀穆斯林統治下的安達露西亞共存政策。


The Muslim Umayyads' conquest of Visigoth Kingdom in Iberia Peninsula not only extended the caliphate rule to the western-most continental Europe but also ushered into an era in which cultural exchanges and inter-religious cooperation and coexistence resulted in the al-Andalus Islamic Golden Age. Though without strives, discords, and even ethnic and religious persecutions specially at the end of Muslim rule, the ideology of La Conviviencia (coexistence) nonetheless provides a model for inter-religious and cultural dialogues for the later generations. Yet the reality showed that the utopian ethnic pluralism and religious tolerance were not free from unbroken harmony and equal justices. The perceived way of living where all people live in amity, respecting differences while honoring commonalities, was badly shaken by the opposition forces of violence and mistrust. During the so-called Spanish Andalusian Islamic Golden Age, persecution, forced conversion and pogroms did take place. Societal polarization, hostility, and animosity may be the true undercurrent of this period. This study tries to explore the reality of La Convivencia from 8th to 11th century in Andalusia in order to depict a true picture.


Al-Andalus Islam People of the Book La Convivencia Dhimmi


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