  • 期刊


Whom Are News Bots "Laboring" for? Effects of Automated Journalism on Journalists




With the rapid development of artificial intelligence and algorithms, news bots and automated journalism have been introduced in news production, which has reshaped journalistic work since the mid-2010s. First, this paper describes the process of and the difficulties involved in introducing news bots into newsrooms in various countries. Second, the effects of automated journalism on journalistic labor, such as the effects on the skills, jobs, and autonomy in journalism, are examined from the perspective of the critical political economy of communication through labor process theory. Furthermore, this study presents how the discourse of automated journalism has been dominating or negotiating with traditional journalistic principles, such as objectivity and credibility. A discourse analysis on the differences between Taiwanese and Chinese related news articles shows that media representations in China, where media organizations enthusiastically introduce the automated journalism into the newsroom, are more inclined to emphasize the positive effects of news bots on journalists work and quality of news reports. In summary, this paper suggests a critical rethinking of news bots and automated journalism according to a review of various viewpoints and theories regarding the aforementioned emerging technologies.


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