  • 期刊


Crisis Management in Dialysis Patient Care During COVID-19 Pandemic




In December 2019, coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) emerged in Wuhan China and soon the virus spread around the whole world. Thanks to prompt institution of proper quarantine and infection control policies, Taiwan had few COVID-19 cases in 2020. However, in May 2021, community outbreak started and hospital clusters were identified, mainly in Taipei and New Taipei cities. The abrupt increase of COVID-19 cases posed a big challenge to the medical system. Hospitals and medical teams were forced to make changes to buffer the damages of the virus. So far, around 10% of the confirmed COVID-19 cases in Taiwan has been treated in Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, including patients under hemodialysis. For COVID-19 patients under hemodialysis in the outpatient hemodialysis unit, ward, and intensive care unit, we modified dialysis treatment procedures to meet the regulations of infection control for COVID-19. Team leadership is especially important during crisis such as COVID-19 outbreak. The care of patients is important, and even more important is how to keep team members safe. During the fight with the virus, we continuously learn from experience and make proper adjustment to cope with the ever changing challenges. Here, we provide our opinions on the expected roles of a leader in a dialysis team. We also share our observations of the impacts of COVID-19 on patients and nursing staff. We hope that share of our experience can help make possible efficient and flexible responses to future COVID-19 outbreaks.


陳冠伶、洪韡倢、李明濱、陳宜明、吳佳儀(2020)‧探索 COVID-19 疫情對難治型憂鬱症病人健康與因應行為之影響‧護理雜誌,67(5),56-64。
財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會‧醫療團隊資源管理的實施與運用‧取自 https://www.cdc.gov.tw/Uploads/d7dfdae4-d580-45a9-9ed1-28a2ec 37f746.pdf
衛生福利部疾病管制署(2021,6 月 5日).設有血液透析室之醫療機構因應 COVID-19 感染管制措施指引(肺中指字第 1103800268 號)。取自 http://www.tnna.org.tw/home/news_article.asp?WN_ID=686
衛生福利部疾病管制署(2020,1 月 15 日).衛生福利部新增「嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎」為第五類法定傳染病(衛授疾字第1090100030 號)。取自 https://www.cdc.gov.tw/Disease/SubIndex/N6XvFa1YP9CXYdB0kNSA9A
Chan, A. S. W., Ho, J. M. C., Li, J. S. F., Tam, H. L., & Tang, P. M. K. (2021). Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic on Psychological Well-Being of Older Chronic Kidney Disease Patients. Frontiers in Medicine, 8, 715.
