  • 期刊


The Green Energy Strategy of Printed Circuit Board Industry in Taiwan




Affecting by the international economies, consumption structure, and ideology of environmental protection, the attitudes and the patterns of renew energy utilization in Taiwan are embedded in land development, regulations, and the needs of varied industries. How to build appropriate renew energy policies and mechanism thus not only is the issue for the public sectors but also for the private sectors who intend to enter into global markets. By using printed circuit board industry as the research object, the paper is to discuss how the industry is affected by the renew energy policies and how the renew energy strategies can deal with them. Through the three-round professional interview, the paper induced that the options of renew energy and the costs of renew energy development are two major influences on the printed circuit board industry, and strategic alliance, the advocacy to government initiatives in the utilization of idle space, the transparency of renew energy market, and the investment in neo-renew energy research, are effective responses. Finally, the paper recognizes the composition of strategic alliance is the most important strategy, it can help printed circuit board industry to uphold the needs of members to get advantage conditions in renew energy development.
