  • 學位論文


Research on the Renewable Energy Industry Management in Taiwan

指導教授 : 翁崇雄


二氧化碳排放大幅增加帶來全球暖化問題,造成極端氣候,影響到人類的環境未來生存。聯合國為共同遏阻全球暖化趨勢,從1997年《京都議定書》訂定已開發國家排放目標,到2016年《巴黎氣候協定》各國承諾減碳,促使各國紛紛開始發展並使用再生能源,以降低對化石燃料依賴所產生的二氧化碳,因而帶動全球再生能源產業蓬勃發展。 台灣98%的能源完全仰賴進口(能源局,2018),發展再生能源已是刻不容緩,再生能源產業也因為政府法規和政策鼓勵而快速興起。但相關經營管理之研究很少,造成許多投入者不瞭解其產業特性,發生許多經營不善之問題。 本論文將以再生能源兩大主流太陽光電及風力發電為主,探討經營管理運作的關鍵成功因素,以質性研究法與個案研究法在建構及營運的模式下,可能面臨的各項危險因子及採取之因應對策。期望可以提供給未來欲投資太陽光電及風力發電業者參考文獻,在投資評估規劃時,盡量將風險降至最低或避免,讓再生能源產業可以如再生能源般,永續生生不息的保護環境與地球。


Significant increase in carbon emissions brings global warming, leading to extreme weather and affecting the survival of human environment in the future. In order to curb this trend, UN adopted Kyoto Protocol in 1997 which set a standard for developed countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In 2016, with Paris Agreement, countries around the world promised to take actions on carbon reduction. Therefore, renewable energy has been developed and promoted in the globe to lower carbon emission produced by fossil fuels and the renewable energy industry has thus become prosperous. 98% of Taiwan's energy depends completely on imports (Bureau of Energy, 2018). It is urgent to develop renewable energy. The renewable energy industry is also booming because of the government regulations and encouragement of policies. However, due to the unfamiliarity of the industry characteristics and the lack of management research, many companies have lost their profits. The thesis would focus on the two predominant sectors of renewable energy, solar power and wind power, to explore the key success factors of business management, and to use qualitative research methods and case study to identify the risk factors and the solutions under constructional and operational periods. In the hope this research report can be provided to those who are interested in investing in the renewable energy industry as a reference to minimize or avoid possible risks, so that the renewable energy industry can keep going like renewable energy to protect the earth.


