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Exploring Medical Incident Cooperation Experience in Trans Disciplinary Team-taking Mental Health Social Workers as an Example




The trans-disciplinary team model aims to provide patients with integrated services through cooperation and communication between different professions. In the psychiatric medical system, it pays more attention to the interaction of the three levels of the patient's bio-psycho-social model. Psychiatrist, nurses, occupational therapist, psychologist and social worker provide patients with comprehensive psychiatric medical treatment in a cross-team cooperation mode. In the case of emphasizing multi-professional cooperation, how to cooperate with each other has become an important issue. The purpose of this research is to sort out the situation of psychiatric social workers' cooperation with teams in clinical work in my country, and focus on the treatment of abnormal events in psychiatry, and to sort out how psychiatric social workers cooperate with multi-professional teams when encountering abnormal events. The current situation is discussed from three aspects: the psychiatric medical system, the situation of psychiatric social workers under the system of medical treatment, and the cooperation mode of psychiatric team, so as to locate the professional role of psychiatric social workers. This study will take 6 social workers currently working in the field of psychiatry as the research object, and conduct semi-structured interviews through the method of qualitative research, so as to collect and organize the current psychiatric social workers' experience and implementation status in the field of psychiatry truthfully. The results of research is that professional training can positively help worker, as well as reflect on current work experience, especially in the part of social worker roles, positioning, and trans-professional cooperation experience in medical events. Finally, it is hoped that can through the inter-professional team cooperation model with the help of other professionals, and then maintain a good doctor-patient relationship.


潘淑滿(2003 )。質性研究理論與運用。台北:心理。
黃俐婷(2004)。衝突處理過程分析-以醫務社會工作者參與醫療團隊工作為例。臺灣社會工作學刊 ,2,159-183.
