  • 期刊


The pine trees and Chinese dragon on Huang Zhongze's 'the four pines of zhijietan temple poem'




黃仲則 戒壇四松歌


Huang Zhongze's'the four pines of zhijietan temple poem'not only praised the ancient pines which are such evergreen, faithful, noble, unsullied, and aloof and proud gentleman images, but also it compares the ancient pines to Chinese dragons which can the flying and burrowed, rainmaking, shifting , proud, uninhibited. He wrote this poem by the allusions of the Buddha's words. Although he was disappointed in his political official career and failed for the office seeker, he was still conceited and incompatible with the world to face the dignitaries. By climbing the zhijietan temple and admiring ancient pines, he compared the pine to the dragon, and also compared the pine and the dragon to himself. Then he integrated the image that dragon king protects dharma, and the brave and fierce ability in the battle for the Zen Buddhism into this poem to present that he wished to be a government official. He also integrated the meaning of the Sādhanā into this poem. Pursue the self-relief in his frustrated and depressed life. Also learn the path of liberation with his internal emotion in Buddhism. Although he had experienced many vicissitudes of life, he still exuded the image of the presence of mind in an emergency.


﹝三國吳﹞康僧會譯(1988)。六度集經,載大正新脩大藏經(第 3 冊,No. 0152)。株式會社國書刊行會。
﹝漢﹞劉向(1965)。說苑(1 版)。臺灣商務印書館。
