  • 期刊

K.K. and Dictionary Phonetic Systems for Taiwanese EFL Beginners: A Collaborative Action Research



本研究目的是在探索字典音標與K.K.音標兩大類的音標系統,在國小英文教學時潛在問題與可能的解決方案。參與本研究的有四位實習老師,其中兩位爲授課教師,兩位爲助教。研究結果來自於在南台灣兩小學各實施三個月教學的協同性行動研究。資料是經由行動研究報告及討論會議時所收集到的。資料分析以Miles and Huberman's (1994) Qualitative Data Analysis爲依據。所有的問題來自於授課教師在討論會中所提到的,而解決方案則是來自於其他參與會議者根據其經驗及知識所貢獻提供的。本研究發現有助提EFL教師教授學童音標系統時的警覺意識。研究結果顯示,一符多音、音標與音標混淆及兩套發音系統互相混淆等是教師最可能遇到的三大類問題。同時,結果也發現教授K.K.音標的教師有比字典音標教師遇到更多一符多音的問題。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the potential problems and possible solutions of two phonetic systems-a dictionary pronunciation key and the K.K. (Kenyon & Knott) phonetic alphabet-for beginning learners of English in Taiwan's elementary schools. Four student teachers, two working as teachers and two as teacher's assistants, participated in the study. Findings were based upon the result of collaborative action research through a three-month teaching period at two schools in southern Taiwan. Data were collected from action research reports and minutes of the meetings and were analyzed with Miles and Huberman's Qualitative Data Analysis (1994). All trouble spots were identified by participant instructors during action-research discussion meetings and collectively solved by other participants who contributed insights and experiences to the problem-solving process of each project. The findings increase teachers' awareness of teaching English pronunciation through two phonetic systems to EFL children. The major finding shows the three types of problems -”One Symbol-Multiple Sounds,” ”Phonetic Symbols and Symbol Confusion,” and ”Mix-up with Other Phonetic Systems”-that teachers encountered during their teaching of phonetics. The results also indicate that the K.K. symbols instructor encountered more issues on ”One Symbol-Multiple Sounds” than the dictionary symbols instructor did.


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