  • 期刊

Changes in Chinese-language Teaching in US Higher Education: From China's Feudalist Dynasties to the 21st Century





Political, military, and sociocultural differences across national boundaries affected results of Chinese-language teaching. US attitudes toward Chinese-language teaching in higher education have been varying over time: first, Chinese feudalist dynasties; second, from China's final dynasty to the US-China military comradeship against Japan during WWII; third, from the post-WWWII period and Cold War to the end of the Chinese Communist Government's "Close-Door" Policy; fourth, from Mainland China's "Open-Door" Policy to the current US mixture of anti-Chinese racism and welcome of Chinese-ness in the 21st century. This article outlines changes of TCFL (teaching Chinese as a foreign language) or TCSL (teaching Chinese a second language) in US higher education by taking political, military, sociocultural, institutional, financial, diplomatic, ethnic, linguistic, educational, and governmental power struggles into serious consideration.


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