  • 期刊


Boredom and Mental Health: A Review of Theoretical and Empirical Studies




"Boredom" is a universal experience. It appears to be a trivial problem in daily life. However, chronic boredom can cause real damage to mental health. This article provides a brief overview of the existing theories related to boredom from psychodynamic, existential tradition, arousal and cognitive perspectives, and the integrative model which views boredom as a type of attention failure. It introduces common measurements of boredom, and reviews empirical studies exploring cognitive, behavioral and neural correlates of boredom. Finally, it discusses the roles of boredom in negative emotions, eating, addiction, neurodevelopmental disorders and people with sleep problems. Recommendations for future research directions are suggested. Boredom was viewed as a direct reaction to monotonous tasks in the past. Recently, researchers have described boredom as "the aversive experience of wanting, but being unable, to engage in satisfying activity." By definition of the integrative model, disengagement is characterized as the central component of boredom in terms of attention. Boredom occurs when individual cannot engage attention with internal or external information (thoughts and feelings, and environmental stimuli respectively) required for participating in satisfying activity, focusing on the fact of disengagement and attribute the cause of the aversive state to the environment. Self-report questionnaires that characterize boredom as an individual difference in a susceptibility to boredom (i.e., trait boredom) or as a momentary, transient reaction, situation-dependent experience (i.e., state boredom) are widely used. This review article reveals that boredom can have a significant impact on cognition, emotion, behavior, and mental health. However, relevant boredom research applied healthy college adults from western culture. Studies exploring cultural or age differences in boredom were rare. It is imperative to develop measurements of boredom that are appropriate for use in the context of Taiwanese culture, and to compare populations with different clinical characteristics or different age. Exploring the behavioral markers and neural correlates of boredom may facilitate the development of coping strategies in family, educational, and clinical settings, especially for people with attention problems.


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