  • 期刊


Executive function and acute exercise in obesity: A review




Obesity is negatively associated with executive functions. Previous studies have observed that acute exercise is positively linked to executive functions, and that the beneficial effects of exercise could extend from healthy to obese populations. The purpose of the present study was to review the effects of acute exercise on executive functions in an obese population, an investigation which focused on two parts: (a) the relationship between obesity and executive functions; (b) the effects of acute exercise on executive functions in relation to obese subjects. Our search database included PubMed or Google Scholar, and proceeded through entering keywords such as obesity, acute exercise, and executive function. The results observed that obesity has a negative effect on the study subjects' inhibition, working memory, and cognitive flexibility. Acute exercise could improve executive functions obese population in a few studies, which included a variety of exercise models, and also investigated the three subcomponents of executive function. These findings suggest that acute exercise improve the executive functions of obese people, and the beneficial effects could be observed by different exercise modalities; however, the research is still in its preliminary stages, and thus the topic requires further discussion, based on the findings of future investigations.


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