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The effect of proactive personality on retired athletes' career adaptability under the moderation of interaction between gratitude and social support




Purpose: Based on the career construction theory and broaden-and-build theory, this study investigated the relationship between retired athletes' proactive personality and career adaptability under the moderating effect of gratitude and social support. Method: This study recruited 261 retired international-level athelets (195 males, 66 females ; 90 Olympic athletes) in Taiwan as participants with a snowball method via specific social network. The participants were invited to fill in online questionnaires. Results: Retired athletes' proactive personality would enhance their career adaptability. However, social support would negatively moderate the effect of proactive personality on career adaptability. For those who had lower gratitude, the moderating effect of social support on the relationship between proactive personality and career adaptability was greater than those who had higher gratitude. Conclusion: While gratitude plays as an amplifier to amplify the negative moderating effect of social support, professoinals are suggested to improve career adaptability for those athletes with an inactive personality by means of the provision of social support and promotion of gratitude. However, too much emphasis on gratitude may compromise the career adaptability of athletes with a high initiative personality.


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