  • 期刊

ECFA and Cross-Straits Economic Relations



儘管台灣在民進黨政府執政的八年(2000-2008)兩岸的政治關係對抗有增無減,且陳水扁政府對大陸經貿多所限制,但是自大陸與台灣(以「台澎金馬個別關稅領域」之名)先後在2001年與2002年加入世界貿易組織(WTO)之後,由於大陸調降關稅與排除其他障礙,台海兩岸的經貿互動不出意料之外大幅增加。本文主旨在首先檢視兩岸進入WTO後經貿互動及其對台商在大陸經營所面臨的正面與負面的衝擊,繼而剖析國民黨馬英九總統就任後的對大陸政策以及兩岸關係發展的現況,終而討論兩岸簽訂經濟合作架構協議(economic cooperation framework agreement, 簡稱ECFA)的意義。總之,因為經貿躍升為國際關係的最重要因素、世界經濟塊狀化日益深化、全球資源競爭白熱化。再者,由於世界經濟塊狀化日益深化以及世界金融海嘯方興未艾,這些國際環境皆有利於台海兩岸的經貿互動。值得慶幸的,今年6月兩岸簽訂ECFA,使兩岸經貿互動制度化與長期穩定化。此項協議的簽署堪稱是兩岸與國際三贏。對台灣而言,穩定地與大陸維持順暢的經貿互動將可使台灣經濟回春,可利用台灣服務業的優勢來獲利以彌補因製造業流失到大陸的虧損、增加台灣產品在大陸市場的佔有率以及躍身成為亞洲經濟整合樞紐。對大陸而言,ECFA的簽署可凸顯出大陸方面不再在國際上孤立台灣,讓台灣融入亞洲經濟整合的軌道,如此不僅使兩岸關係得以朝長期而正面的發展,還可強化大陸在亞洲經濟整合的領導地位,台資企業亦可協助大陸成功地利用世界金融海嘯與美國經濟式微的契機由世界工廠轉變成世界市場,正式躍升為世界經濟的引擎,更能透過強化中台企業的競爭力,善用台灣企業的全球化經營與營運的優勢,立足亞洲,進軍世界市場。同時,陸資企業亦可利用台灣累積的國際市場的網絡與關係進軍與投資世界市場,台商亦可有協助大陸引進外資與技術的功能。此外,ECFA亦可有助於加速中韓FTA、中日FTA與東北亞經濟整合的進程,使東亞邁向和平與繁榮的正途,走出戰爭的威脅。


Despite the hostile political situation between China and Taiwan in the past decade, cross-straits economic interactions have grown by leaps and bounds, in particular since their admittance to the WTO in the early 2000s. In addition to growing economic integration, more importantly, the intimate economic relations have dramatically transformed the axis of Taiwan politics from anti-China sentiment to engaging China. The election of Ma Yingjeou as Taiwan's President in March 2008 is the salient example of this transformation. As a result, unlike the previous government, the current Ma Ying-jeou Government regards Mainland China policy as the first priority ahead of overall foreign policy and has actively improved relations with Beijing, economic interactions in particular. Their bilateral economic cooperation reached its climax as they signed the economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA) in June this year. Hence, it is worthwhile exploring cross-straits economic interactions in detail, ECFA, and its multi-dimensional implications for Asia.


ECFA China Taiwan Cross-Strait economic relations


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