  • 期刊


A study of the Business model for Sports Volunteer Team


隨著志願服務法之頒布,志願服務已成為風潮,是社會正義的力量,亦是現今崇高的志業。志願服務雖是自發性的服務,但仍需建立營運模式,使其脫穎而出,是團隊需重視的問題,同時也是本研究之目的。本研究以Clark, Osterwalder與Pigneur(2012)所提出之營運模式畫布,探討團隊之價值主張、外部服務、內部運作與財務構面,針對桃園市體育運動志工團隊內部管理階層人員進行深度訪談,研究結果發現:一、志工團隊擁有正確服務心態,積極主動參與協助;二、提供體育運動相關與非相關之服務,推廣志願服務理念,提升國民運動風氣,並藉由服務體驗及口耳相傳,建立團隊良好形象;三、辦理志工訓練課程,使志願服務者能成為合格志工,並表揚優秀志願服務人才,以提升服務之成就,且與合作夥伴一起提供服務之人力,共同發揮服務之善心;四、志工團隊屬服務性質,以人力為主要基礎,無固定成本之費用,而團隊固定收入,為常年會費、會員捐款以及委託收益。本研究依據研究結果,提出對桃園市體育運動志工團隊之營運模式之建議如下:使體育運動志工有歸屬感,讓志工團隊們更有意願為團隊盡心盡力;將合適的志工放在合適的服務岡位上,以提供顧客貼心的服務;引導團隊內相互關心、相互幫助,建立團隊家庭化之氛圍;建立成本規劃,拓展服務範圍。


With the enactment of the voluntary service act, voluntary service has become a trend. Voluntary service does not only reflect the power of social justice, but is also a noble aspiration. Although voluntary service groups are engaged in voluntary service, these groups still need to establish a complete business model and to make their team stand out from the crowd. This is an issue each voluntary service group needs to pay close attention to; and, as such, is the purpose of this study. This study explores the value of the team, external services, internal operations and financial aspects based on the business model proposed by Clark, Osterwalder and Pigneur (2012)After conducting in-depth interviews with the internal management personnel of the Sports Volunteer Team in Taoyuan City, the research painted a clear picture, the results of which are shown below. First: Have the right service mentality and be willing to participate actively. Second: Provide sports-related and non-related services, enhance the national sports ethos and promote positive feelings with those being served. From service experience to word of mouth, it should build a good image for the team and also promote the concept of voluntary service. Third: Conduct training courses and let members become qualified volunteers. Praising outstanding volunteers can lead to improved service achievements, and the manpower to provide service together with partners and enhance goodwill. Finally: A volunteer team is of a service nature and is based on human resources. There are no fixed costs, fixed income for the team, annual membership fees, membership donations, and commission income. This study is based on relevant literature and research results. Suggestions for the operation model of the sports volunteer team in Taoyuan City are as follows: Give the volunteers a sense of belonging and make the volunteer team more willing to do their best for the team. Guide each other to care and help each other in the team, and establish a family atmosphere among team members. Establish cost planning and expand the scope of service.
