  • 期刊


Exploring critical factors affecting employee retention using bilateral DEMATEL


後疫情時代,工作模式快速變革,企業最大的挑戰不是數位化,而是新世代員工的高離職率問題。但是,面對許多複雜而且相互影響的離職因素,往往主管與員工之間存在相當程度的歧異,因而,無法有效落實員工留任,造成缺工與世代斷層,進以醞釀人力資源的不穩定風險。為能有效探討提升留任率的課題,經過文獻分析與專家訪談,將員工離職原因歸納為七大因素,調查主管及員工的雙邊不同認知,並且運用雙邊DEMATEL(Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory)分析方法,初探影響員工留任的關鍵因素,據以做為公司研擬適當的因應措置之有用參考,進而提升員工留任率。


留任 離職率 雙邊DEMATEL


In the post-epidemic era, work patterns are changing rapidly. The biggest challenge for companies is not digitization but the high turnover rate of the new generation of employees. But, In the face of many complex and mutually influencing factors of resignation. There are often considerable differences between supervisors and employees. Hence, employee retention cannot be effectively implemented, resulting in job shortages and generation gaps, further brewing the risk of instability in human resources. To effectively discuss improving the retention rate through literature analysis and expert interviews. The different cognitions of supervisors and employees have been analyzed by the bilateral DEMATEL (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) analysis method. To explore the key factors that affect employee retention, and use it as a reference for the company to develop appropriate countermeasures, thereby improving employee retention.


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