  • 期刊


Eco-Confessions: Ecological Ethics and Nostalgia in Lee Chiao's Blessings of Nature and Three Friends of Land, Sea and Air




During the 2010s, Lee Chiao(1934-), an author with extensive writing experience, published two essay collections titled Blessings of Nature (2016) and Three Friends of Land, Sea, and Air (2017). In both collections, Lee used various species of plants and animals as outlets to reflect on his life experience and transcend the environmental consciousness and memory perception dimensions of subjective humanism. The author wrote his own "Confessions" that presents his personal reflections of the changes in the relationship between human and natural environment and includes his personal experience, memories of his family history, and details on Taiwan's ecosystem. Because both collections focus on the author's observations of ecological ethics, including the moderation and management of natural life, the research process of this study adopted the same perspective to explore Lee's personal recollections and reflections on civilization in the literature. Subsequently, this study explored how the ecological narrative is applied to present Lee's life experiences based on his memories and to portray his nostalgic emotions and subjective consciousness to reconstruct his family history in his later years. Through the narrative framework and writing strategies used in both collections, Lee employed an ecological ethics-based approach to present his personal reflections, advocate for local awareness, and offer ethical criticism of humanism. Accordingly, these essay collections reflect the author's life observations of the natural environment, historical culture, and folk memories of Taiwan.


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