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Matching up to the Swing Pendulum between "Social Orientation" and "Individual Orientation": The Current Situation and Reflection of Students' Evaluation in S University in China Mainland


The evaluation of undergraduate students is related to the quality of the development of higher education and also affects the growth of individual students. As a combination of the national educational goals, social development goals and school development goals, the student evaluation of universities in different countries and regions show a certain national or regional characteristics. This study investigated the student evaluation of S university in mainland China. Through the analysis of related documents and the stratified sampling interviews with the faculty and undergraduate students, this study found the student evaluation of S university has the advantages of being systematic and normative, and the disadvantages as the followings: Evaluation objectives focus on commonality, while ignore student personality development; Evaluation content emphasizes on the basic knowledge and skills, and the evaluation of emotion and attitude is weak; The evaluation subject is single, while practice and theory is deviated; Evaluation criteria is established for the convenience of the management, the normal distribution rules of student achievement is not widely accepted; Highlighting the selection function and ignoring the improvement of feedback; Clear discipline differences in the implementation of student evaluation. These problems show that in the student evaluation of S university, more concern is paid on whether students have mastered the abilities and skills to make a living in society, and on the delivery of qualified builders for social development by screening and selection. In order to responsibly play the leading role of education and promote the development of individual, society and even the country, the university authorities should grasp the direction of social development, balance the value orientation of social standard and individual standard appropriately, formulate the student evaluation policies to deal with the social development trend.


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