  • 期刊


Wireless MEMS Sensors in Badminton Forehand Drop Shot Viration Analysis


目的:本研究探索運用無線微機電感測器,分析優秀和次優秀選手在羽球正拍切球的拍振動差異。對象:受測優秀選手目前世界排名第11名(參加2012年第三十屆夏季奧林匹克倫敦奧運會);次優秀選手目前全國排名賽乙組第三名。方法:將無線微機電感測器放在球拍上,內含有三軸加速規,取樣頻率為3333Hz,當擊正拍切球時無線擷取運動學資料,並作統計分析。結果:一、兩位選手個人在無配戴與有配戴感測器在球速方面,經比對t檢定後,無顯著差異。二、球拍加速度頻譜振動頻率次數分佈,X軸優秀選手482Hz,次優秀選手振動頻率在365和378Hz;Y軸次優秀選手振動頻率在325Hz,優秀選手不明顯;Z軸優秀選手在482Hz,次優秀選手振動頻率在325和404Hz。三、球拍振動時間經檢定後發現優秀與次優秀選手在Y軸與Z軸有顯著差異(顯著差異α為0.05)。四、在球拍加速度的時域分析,優秀選手在X和Z軸最大和最小平均值與次優秀選手有顯著差異,得知優秀選手瞬間擊球點較高、較前面,明顯小於次優秀選手。結論:一、配戴感測器不會影響選手的表現。二、在球拍加速度頻譜振動頻率次數分佈中,優秀選手的X軸與Z軸頻率全高於次優秀選手。三、在振動時間中,優秀選手明顯時間短於次優秀選手,代表優秀選手在瞬間擊球後能放鬆握把,使手臂肌肉放鬆,以較容易準備下一拍擊球。四、球拍時域資料,經F和t檢定後,發現在三軸的最大和最小 平均值有顯著差異,所以優秀選手瞬間施力較小,且能較容易精準的控球。


微機電 加速規 頻譜分析


Purpose: This research explored the use of Wireless Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) sensors to analysis the difference of badminton forehand cut vibration. Subjects: The elite athlete is ranked number 14 in the world and the sub-elite are ranked the third of group B in this Taiwan. Methods: Underneath the racket is placed a wireless MEMS sensors which includes a tri-axis accelerometer. The sample is taken on the frequency of 3333Hz. When athletes strike forehand cut racket, sensors capture measuring point of numerical data, and statistical analysis. Results: 1. Two of the contestants not worn and wore sensors in ball speed, paired t testing, no significant differences. 2. The number racket acceleration spectrum amplitude testing, the elite athlete had higher vibration frequency than sub-elite in X and Z asix. The sub-elite got 325Hz in Y asix; however, the elite athlete had no obviously performance. 3. From the test of racket vibration time, verification revealed that the elite athlete and the sub-elite had obviously difference. 4. The analysis of racket time zone, it indicated that athletes had obviously difference during the max and min average values on X and Z axis. The elite athlete stroke with the higher hitting and the ball felt in the front area than the sub-elite. Discussions: 1. Wearing sensors would not affect the athletes' performance. 2. In the distribution rate of racket acceleration spectrum amplitude, the elite athlete had higher vibration in X and Z axis. 3. In the vibration time, it indicated that the elite athlete had shorter period than the sub-elite. The elite athlete was significantly better than sub-elite. 4. From the time zone of the racket, the max and min average in tri-axis got obviously difference paired F and t test. The elite athlete got less power in a flash hitting and got better control in striking.
