  • 期刊


The movement types of attention focus instruction for stand-jumping from the perspective of motor coordination




Purpose: Motion coordination is one of the important research topics in the field of motion control in recent years. Past studies had pointed out that, for the standing long jump the external focus of attention guidance had different "starting moment" from the internal focus of attention. However, it is not clear whether there is a difference in the coordination patterns of various limbs between the two focus strategies, and whether it is related to better standing long jump performance. This study examined the differences between the two focus strategies from the single kinematic parameter and limb coordination. Methods: Forty elementary school children were equally divided into two groups: internal focus group and external focus group. High-speed cameras were used to capture the each joint during the standing long jump. Results: The external focus group had better standing long jump performance than the internal focus group significantly. For the kinematic parameters, the external focus group showed smaller hip joint angle. In terms of coordination, both groups had significant positive correlation between the maximum angle of the knee and ankle joints, and significant positive correlation between the maximum angular velocity and angular acceleration of the hip and knee joints. In the internal focus group, the maximum angle of the elbow and hip joints was significantly positively correlated. In the external group, the maximum angle of the hip and knee joints were correlated significantly, and the angular velocity and angular acceleration of the shoulder and ankle joints showed significant positive correlation. Conclusion: There was not a significant difference between the two groups from the viewpoint of kinematic parameters. For the coordination (pattern of the limbs), the external focus group was more coordinated in joint angles, angular velocities and angular accelerations, and those are the reasons resulting in better standing long jump performance.


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