  • 期刊


Development and Cross-Validity Analysis of the Maladjustment Scale for Surplus Elementary Teachers


過去國內關於超額教師的實證研究,僅止於行政層面的探討,本研究目的在於探究「超額教師適應困擾的心理構念到底爲何」,這當可爲超額教師的研究開拓一個新的研究議題。本研究透過一系列嚴謹分析程序來編製一份國民小學超額教師適應困擾量表,以瞭解超額教師介聘至新學校後適應困擾的構念。 本研究以全台灣地區750名超額教師爲樣本,進行驗證性因素分析、信效度考驗及效度複核。研究結果顯示:(1)在效度上,以驗證性因素分析檢驗其概念建構,顯示量表的建構效度良好;(2)在信度上,六個層面的α係數介於.79~.90之間,總量表的α係數爲.92,顯示量表的內部一致性良好;(3)量表具良好的複核效度,可以有效用於相同母群的其他樣本上。


The purpose of this study was to develop an Elementary Teacher Maladjustment (ETM) scale for surplus teachers and verify the maladjustment model by using confirmatory factor analysis. A sample of 750 surplus elementary teachers in Taiwan was selected for study. The ETM scale consisted of 18 items, which were divided into six dimensions. The reliability and validity coefficients of the scale were tested. The results are shown as follows: The fit indices of the overall model indicate that the maladjustment model fits well with the observed data. This indicates that the scale has a clear factorial structure. The maladjustment scale reached a satisfactory level of internal consistency reliability and stability. The alpha coefficients of internal consistency reliability are between .79-.90 for the six sub-scales and .92 for the whole scale. According to the results, the model shows good cross-validity for the scale developed in this study.


