  • 期刊


Using Board Games to Enhance the Social Skills of Hearing loss Children with Multiple Disabilities




In this research used a withdrawal design (A-B-A) with a single-case research to measure the effectiveness of board games for enhancing the social skills (taking turns, making eye contact, turning over cards, willingness to participate, etc.) of a children with hearing loss and multiple disabilities. The participant was instructed each Monday and Thursday morning between March 28 and June 23 of 2016, a total of 22, 50-minute sessions. The sessions were analyzed using visual analysis, and a specially designed survey was administered to the participant's parents and teacher to solicit their views on the results of the instruction. The findings were as follows: 1. The 22 board game sessions resulted in moderate improvements in various social skills, including taking turns, making eye contact, level of participation, proactively turning over cards, and accuracy in turning over cards. 2. The improved social skills are sustainable. 3. The participant's parents and teacher were very satisfied with the resulting improvements in the participant's social skills.


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