  • 期刊


Exploring the Learning Effectiveness of Integrating Multi-Interactive Distance Teaching Into Community Health Nursing Course During the COVID-19 Pandemic


本研究旨在探討疫情下運用遠距多元互動教學融入大學社區衛生護理課程,對學生學習成效的影響。本研究採準實驗研究法,以某大學修習「社區衛生護理學與實作」的兩個四年級班級為研究對象,一班為實驗組,實施遠距多元互動教學,以自我導向學習及合作學習為基礎,應用線上會議室(software platforms Microsoft Teams)、行動學習社群(Integrated Learning Management System, iLMS)、Zuvio及LINE群組等方式進行同步及非同步教學;以各單元線上測驗及學習單、小組報告、學期成績、問卷調查、教學評量與質性資料等多元方式檢視學生的學習成效。另一班為控制組,進行傳統教學法。資料分析採描述性統計與單因子共變數分析(analysis of covariance)。研究結果發現:一、實驗組學生在自我導向學習的表現顯著優於控制組學生;二、實驗組學生在合作學習態度的表現與控制組相較,無顯著差異;三、實驗組學生對遠距多元互動教學持正面肯定,認為此教學可提升學習動機並促進自主學習;四、實驗組與控制組的學期成績及社區實習成績無顯著差異,顯示疫情期間以多元互動式遠距教學,仍能維持教學品質並達到學習成效。


This quasi-experimental study explored the learning effectiveness of integrating multi-interactive distance teaching into community health nursing courses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Students from two fourth-year classes from a nursing college were chosen as participants. One class was served as the experimental group. A multi-interactive distance teaching model was used to design a community health nursing course. Self-directed learning and cooperative learning were employed as the foundation for the course, combined with group learning on the software platforms Microsoft Teams, Integrated Learning Management System (iLMS), Zuvio, and LINE. Online tests, learning sheets, group reports, semester scores, questionnaire surveys, teaching assessments, and qualitative data were used to assess the students' learning effectiveness. The control group classreceived traditional teacher-led instruction. Descriptive statistics and a one-way analysis of covariance were adopted for quantitative data analysis. According to the results, 1. the experimental group had significantly higher self-directed learning scores than the control group; 2. both groups did not significantly differ in corporative learning attitude scores; 3. students gave positive feedback-indicating that a diverse and flexible learning environment was established through the use of a multi-interactive distance teaching model to arouse interest and improve the learning motivation and self-directed learning of nursing students-and 4. both groups did not significantly differ in their semester grades and community practice grades, indicating that the use of multi-interactive distance teaching does not compromise learning outcomes.


宗靜萍、嚴正誼(2021)。COVID-19 疫情期間網路直播教與學之研究。教育傳播與科技研究,126,75-90。doi:10.6137/RECT.202108_(126).0005
羅方吟、陳政煥(2021)。COVID-19 疫情下同步與非同步資訊科技輔助的大學遠距英語文教學。當代教育研究季刊,29(1),69-114。doi:10.6151/CERQ.202103_29(1).0003


