  • 期刊





體適能 體適能檢測


The purpose of this research is to compare physical fitness test items of America, Japan, China and Taiwan. Each country's physical fitness test items and its measure elements involve Body composition, flexibility, muscular fitness, cardiovascular endurance, agility and power. The physical fitness test items are different from national conditions and the development stage of fitness. The results are as follows: 1 America to use FITNESSGRAM management system so that physical fitness is more advanced and perfect. 2 China increased detection balls and skipping items, test content belongs to the technical aspects of the movement, are more inclined to athletic fitness, although covering a wide range, but the way is not easy to detect, process standardization difficult, difficult to complete testing equipment and venues, tests required for a long time also labor intensive. 3 Japan has "agility" test items were included. Individually Japan and China the two countries have 'grip' test items. 4 Taiwan corresponding evaluation elements but clearly assess the scope of the smaller elements, and in addition to Taiwan, the other three countries all have selected test items. Recommendation: Taiwan can refer to other countrys' physical fitness test items. Exspecially the hand-grip strength test, it is simple to implement, and it has important relevance to health. Measure cardiovascular endurance is restricted by space. Recommendation that Taiwan can add that selected test items, after studying with the norm established.The measure organization can adjust with measured object, the physical fitness test items of Taiwan could be more representative and more perfect.


