  • 期刊


Reducing Pain Indexes for Preschool Children When Receiving Emergency Room Intravenous Injections




Purpose: The incidence rate of malnutrition is approximately 30-50% in intensive care units (ICU). The risk of malnutrition is closely associated with patient prognosis. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between SGA grading and the objective clinical data and prognosis of critically ill surgical patients. Method: In this study, a retrospective chart review was conducted on 1646 critically ill surgical cases between January 2010 and June 2013. The nutritional status of the patients was assessed and classified using the Subjective Global Assessment (SGA). Patients were classified into Class SGA:A (well-nourished) and Class SGA:B & C (malnourished). The objective clinical indicators used in this study include the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE-II), the Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System (TISS) and the length of hospital stay. Nutrition indicators include body weight, body mass index (BMI), albumin, pre-albumin and total lymphocyte count (TLC). Univariate analysis was performed on the data, and propensity score-matched case-control was used to reduce gender and age bias. Approximately 600 cases each were selected from the cases classified as Class SGA:A and Class SGA:B & C, and matched-pair analysis was performed according to gender and age. Differences were considered statistically significant for p-values <0.05. Results: Malnourished patients had poorer APACHE-II and TISS scores, and had a longer length of stay in ICU and a longer total length of hospital stay.After adjustments for interference factors were performed using multivariate regression analysis, it was determined that BMI<18.5kg/m2, albumin<3.5 g/dl, pre-albumin<20 mg/dl and TLC<900 cell/mm3 and TLC between 900 and 1500 cell/mm3 were associated with a higher risk of malnutrition (Class SGA: B & C). Conclusion: The assessment of malnutrition status of critically ill surgical patients through the Subjective Global Assessment or objective clinical or nutrition indicators is extremely important. Dietitians must be aware of changes in malnutrition indicators, so as to provide immediate nutrition therapy for the reduction of malnutrition rate, with the aim of reducing relevant health care costs in the future. These indicators can provide real-time nutritional status information, which is useful for the formulation of nutrition intervention strategies.


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