  • 期刊


Utilizing art therapy in school-age children, who have been diagnosed Leukemia, are concerned about negative influences during the treatment in the hospital




藝術治療 學齡期 白血病


After children suffered cancer, they need to be treated in the hospital for long- term. For the children, this is extremely stressed out, and they will experience threatening feeling. However, art therapy which is a non-verbal method to intervene with children can let children sense safe, warm, and acceptable space. Through creation of drawing and communication, they will sense inner self- perception which assists children to overcome impact when they are hospitalized. This journal used the art therapy's theory and technique which utilized drawing to conduct assessment children's inner self-perception. Furthermore, through the creation of the art process which can assist children to facilitate self-awareness and express deepest emotion in order to deal with their inner impact during the treatment. The art therapy has been conducted for 9 times on March 17 ,2016 to August 2nd ,2016. The subject expressed some issues by the creation of the art, such as anger, unwilling to be treated in the hospital, fear of injection, concerned loss of hair, loss sense of controlling, fear of death, and the children desire to attend to school. Through interaction with the art material, the pictures which express concerned is drawn by children.Children can be guided and released their inner emotion by verbal, and the art therapy can transform children’s concern and let children fit in well at hospital. The study outcome shows that the art therapy can be beneficial children and therapist relationships, as well as children can easily release their inner perception by drawing, and it undoes children’s self-protection . Moreover, the art therapy can be strong self-worth in order to foster children to face mental and physical issue during the treatment.


Art therapy School-age Leukemia


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