  • 期刊

The Javanese Local Wisdom of Nrimo in Selected Lyrics of Songs by Didi Kempot


Language contains speech acts used for various communicative purposes, such as expressing feelings, getting things done, communicating ideas, and persuading others. Song lyrics contain an illocutionary force that reveals social and cultural phenomena. Javanese culture is rich in local wisdom, expressed through unèn-unèn (proverbs) that reflect the philosophy or cultural values shared by the community. One such cultural value is nrimo (acceptance/submission). The purpose of this article is to analyze the illocutionary force of selected lyrics from songs by Didi Kempot to describe the Javanese local wisdom of nrimo contained therein. The research questions are: (1) What are the illocutionary forces of Didi Kempot's song lyrics? and (2) How is the Javanese local wisdom of nrimo presented through these song lyrics? Underlying this research are Searle's theory of speech acts and Austin's theory that illocutionary acts involve locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary forces. A descriptive interpretive approach to discourse analysis was used to understand the illocutionary force employed by the lyrics of three selected songs: "Banyu Langit", "Tatu", and "Cidro". This study identifies Didi Kempot's song lyrics as containing expressives, directives, commissives, and assertives. Illocutionary forces included in these lyrics included denying, questioning, bargaining, promising, complaining, asserting, and accepting. Through the words, phrases, and perlocutionary effects, the Javanese local wisdom of nrimo is presented and listeners are urged to accept their situation and move on.
