  • 學位論文

就業歧視禁止之界限─ 論就業歧視禁止項目與差別待遇之正當理由

A Study on the Boundary of Prohibiting Employment Discrimination: Characteristics and Justifiable Causes

指導教授 : 王能君


本論文以就業歧視禁止之界限為研究主軸,分別研究二個子題。第一為就業歧視禁止項目之範圍,第二為就業上差別待遇之正當理由。 首先,針對第一個問題,本論文參照美、日法制,發現美日法之就業歧視禁止項目,係呈現緩慢增加之趨勢。並且,就業歧視禁止項目不再以與生俱來無法改變之特質為必要。因此,本論文認為以我國法制之現況,就業歧視禁止項目亦應有增無減,並且至少在民事法上應能發展出一般平等待遇原則,以落實就業平等。 其次,針對第二個問題,本論文歸納美日就業上差別待遇之正當理由,認為可分為二類:一為適用於「直接以就業歧視禁止項目作為差別待遇之標準」者,另一則適用於「非以就業歧視禁止項目作為差別待遇之標準」者。然而,除了法律明定之正當理由,例如積極平權措施或因政策所生之規定等以外,其餘正當理由均為經營需求下之合理理由,包含真實職業資格。而判斷此類合理理由之要件有三:(一)以企業經營需求為目的。(二)以勞動者本身差異為差別待遇之標準,或非以勞動者本身之差異,但以與勞動者相關之事由為差別待遇之標準。(三)該差別待遇之標準與目的間具有必要性。


The theme of this study is concerned about the boundary of prohibiting employment discrimination. To narrow down the research area, two sub-questions were set up: characteristics and justifiable causes. First, for the sub-question of characteristics, there is a trend that prohibited characteristics which employment discrimination bases on are slowly increasing in both United States and Japan. Moreover, characteristics are no longer must be immutable. Therefore, to compare with the employment discrimination law in Taiwan, characteristics in prohibiting employment discrimination should be increased, either. The principle of general equal treatment should be established at least in civil cases to implement employment equality. Second, for the sub-question of justifiable causes, the key point is how to determine whether the differential treatment is reasonable. There are three requirements for a reasonable differential treatment: (1)For the purpose of any kinds of business necessity; (2)Choosing a characteristic or other factor that is associated with employee(s) as a standard; (3)The standard is a necessity of the purpose.


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