  • 學位論文


Heterogeneous Databases Integration System Base on XML

指導教授 : 翁昭旼


資料庫系統經過多年的發展之後,已經成為人們儲存資料時最常使用的工具之一,許多複雜的資訊處理系統也常以資料庫作為後勤支援。在資訊日漸普及的情形下,很多機構都逐漸完成組織資訊化的工程,不過在許多大型的機構中(如、醫院),由於各個資訊系統建置時,使用的資料庫系統未必全然相同,不同類型資料庫系統之間存在一些差異性,這些差異性往往造成日後跨資料庫系統資訊的整合不易。有鑑於資料探勘的價值日趨顯著,如何整合異質資料庫勢必將成為問題的關鍵。 要解決異質資料庫整合這個問題,在以往的研究中,大都是以資料庫導向的思惟來處理,設計中介軟體介於資料庫間,利用資料庫查詢語言的分散查詢來彙整多方資料庫系統資料,或是以單一資料庫作為共通容器,目的在於縮小資料庫的差異性,有利於資料整合。然而在「可擴展標示語言」(XML:eXtensible Markup Language)公佈之後,資料處理有了共通的標準可以遵循之外,重要的是,XML文件化的特性,亦可以幫助我們有效處理資料庫結構化的資料以及文件半結構化資料的統整,這些在以往的研究中都是少有酌墨的。 本論文探討現有的異質資料庫整合工具及方法,並依詢XML標準作為系統基礎,設計一個圖形化使用者介面系統雛型,讓使用者在不需了解不同資料庫間的差異之下,可以透過簡單的操作,即能同時對多個異質資料庫之資料進行萃取、彙整、與分散轉移的工作。並且利用XML文件化的特性,將文件資料與異質資料庫整合作一個結合,使異質資料的彙整不在只侷限於結構化資料庫資料的整合。


After the development for many years , database system has become one of the most used tools when people store data . However , not all large-sized institution(ex. hospital) use the same database system , so various types of these database systems have some difference , which always cause the difficulty of integration of the database systems . In view of the increasing of data mining ,how to integrate heterogeneous database will be the key to the problem. According to former studies , to solve the problem of integration of heterogeneous database systems is often database oriented , designing middleware system among database , using distributed query to integrate information from different database systems , or using single database as a common repository to decrease the differences of database and benefit the integration of database . However ,after the announcement of XML( eXtensible Markup Language) ,the dealing with data has the same standard to follow , and what’s more , the characteristics of documents can help us deal with effectively the integration of the structure data and semi-structure data. There are seldom discussed in former studies. The thesis probes into available tools and methods of integration of database systems uses XML standard as the basis of system and design a graphic user interface to let users extract , integrate and query many heterogeneous database system at same time . Through easy operating and without understanding the difference of different database. Besides , the thesis uses XML’s characteristics to combine documents and heterogeneous database systems to make the integration of heterogeneous database no longer limited in the structured database.


XML heterogeneous database data mining


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