  • 學位論文


Study on Sub-contracting Decision Factors of Building Structural engineering Single Work

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


近年來建築工程逐漸朝向大規模且綜合性開發,以及房地產開發商為追求建築設計特色,委託國內外知名設計師協助規劃設計等因素影響,對營造商而言,在施工技術及品質管控的挑戰性更高,另受到國際情勢變化導致外籍移工數量銳減及政府修訂勞動法令等因素,更是對營建產業在人力配置及成本規劃上產生衝擊。透過文獻資料可發現,建築物新建工程於結構體工項施作階段,支出成本相對較高且必須投入高密度作業人力,在進度排程上也落於全施工期程的前半段,營造商於事前規劃設計階段時,即必須考建案規模或工程難度,決策是否透過拆分多家承包商方式,避免基層技術人力不足或介面管理困難,造成進度延遲等情形發生。 本研究藉由文獻回顧及工程實務專案訪談,列出結構體工程單一工項於分包決策時考量因素並擬定為指標,並採用修正式德爾菲法由產業界具備多年工程經驗之專家,協助對初擬的決策指標給予建議與指正,在決策架構及各項決策指標皆確立後,透過層級分析法由不同任職機構及工程經驗的從業人員填答結果,計算出各項決策指標所占權重,以了解工程實務在決策分包時,對於各指標的感受強度及重視程度,經統計分析結果顯示,現場施工及分包決策權責主管,重視強度以施工人力配置充足及施工期程進度管控等因素為主。為驗證擬定的決策指標貼近且符合實務面需求,本研究遴選本年度完工的建築工程案例進行模擬填答,並針對施工階段曾面臨事件或困境進行分析探討,發現部分較容易忽略的建築設計特殊性因素,可能造成進退場動線或備料空間阻礙等狀況,顯見工程專案執行階段最大的困難,在於規劃設計細節中,可能潛藏著無法預期的介面衝突或高度應變能力的管理調度,因此透過本研究建立的決策指標,可使分包決策權責主管在事前評估時之參考,進而做出最妥善的分包決策,使工程專案施行順利。


In recent years, construction projects have gradually moved towards large-scale and comprehensive development. For builders, construction technology and quality control are more challenging. The reductions in the number of foreign workers and the revision of government laws and other factors have also caused an impact on the construction industry. According to the literature, when the construction works are carried out in the structure, the cost of expenditure is high and a lot of manpower must be invested. Therefore, when planning and designing, the builder must judge the scale or difficulty of the construction project and decide whether to distribute it to multiple contractors to avoid grassroots technical manpower. Insufficient or difficult interface management caused delays in progress. This study lists the indicators for the consideration of the single project of structural engineering in the subcontracting decision-making, and adopts the modified Delphi method to be recommended by experts with engineering experience. After the decision indicators are established, through the hierarchical analysis method, the practitioners with engineering experience Staff fill in the answer and calculate the weight of each decision index to understand the feelings and importance of each index when the project is subcontracted. After statistical analysis, the on-site construction and subcontracting decision-making authority and responsibility, attach importance to the strength of construction Factors such as sufficient manpower allocation and construction schedule control are the main factors. In order to verify that the decision indicators meet the needs, this study selected the newly completed construction project cases for simulation, and discussed the events faced during the construction phase, and found that the special architectural design may cause movement or space obstruction, showing the greatest difficulty in the project execution phase. In the design details, there are unexpected interface conflicts, so the decision indicators established through this study can enable the supervisor to make reference to the pre-assessment, and then make the best subcontracting decision to make the project run smoothly.


