  • 學位論文


The Production Performance of Laying Hen in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳保基


本研究旨在探討影響臺灣地區蛋雞生產表現之因素及其對生產表現之影響程度。資料是以批次為單位,蒐集42座蛋雞場之每日生產記錄,雞群計有116批次,以計算平均每隻每日蛋產出量、破蛋率、死亡含淘汰率、平均飼料消耗量及飼料換蛋率等,再以週次平均各項數值;收集期間自2003年3月迄2005年10月止。產蛋雞於第一產蛋週期(18週齡至換羽;約70週齡換羽)及第二產蛋週期(換羽至120週齡)之不同蛋雞品系,依其平均體重,由輕至重,分為A、B、C、D及E品系;季節分第1季為1-3月、第2季為4-6月、第3季為7-9月及第4季為10-12月;地區以北迴歸線為界,分北部及南部地區與雞舍型式分傳統式開放雞舍、水簾式密閉雞舍與高床式半開放雞舍,比較各因素之生產表現之差異。結果顯示,第一與第二產蛋週期蛋雞之平均隻日蛋產出量、平均每日破蛋率及平均每週之雞隻死亡含淘汰率,皆以第一產蛋週期之生產表現優於第二產蛋週期者(P<0.05)。在平均每日飼料消耗率與飼料換蛋率方面,兩者則無顯著差異(P>0.05)。在不同品系間之比較,以E品系有最好的平均隻日蛋產出量表現,D品系次之,以體型大的品系平均隻日蛋產出量較高(P<0.05),但其平均飼料消耗量亦相對較高,而各品系間的飼料換蛋率則無顯著差異(P>0.05)。在不同季節間,蛋雞之生產表現,以第3季時蛋雞之平均隻日蛋產出量最低,破蛋率最高,雞隻之平均飼料消耗量亦低於其他季節(P<0.05)。第1季的平均隻日蛋產出量最高,破蛋率最低,而飼料消耗量最高(P<0.05),雞隻平均死亡含淘汰率以第2季及第4季時最低(P<0.05),飼料消耗量則皆不顯著(P>0.05)。不同地區之間,蛋雞的平均每隻每日蛋產出量差異不顯著(P>0.05),但破蛋率、死亡含淘汰率及飼料消耗量上有顯著差異(P<0.05)。臺灣的雞舍型式多數仍為傳統式開放雞舍,以北部地區居多,約70.59 %;而南部地區以自動化雞舍比例較高,水簾式密閉雞舍與高床式半開放雞舍合計佔62.50 %,且飼養之規模數量較高。水簾式密閉雞舍在環境溫度的控制下,雞隻有較佳的產蛋表現,但破蛋率及雞隻死亡含淘汰率,亦顯著高於另兩種型式雞舍者。 臺灣蛋雞之生產表現礙於各項影響因素,使蛋雞的生產表現仍未達品系標準,業者尚有努力空間,期研究結果能提供給業者,作為改進之參考,以提升蛋雞產業的競爭力。


蛋雞 生產表現


The survey was conducted to investigate layer production performance in Taiwan from March, 2003 to October, 2005. The production parameters including egg mass, cracked egg rate, mortality rate, cumulative mortality rate, feed consumption and feed conversion ratio were collected daily from 42 layer farms. There were 1,248,586 laying hens, and 37,324 daily-record data in 116 different flocks were analyzed by week. The major commercial white Leghorn strains in Taiwan were Hy-Line W-36, Hy-Line W-98, Hendrix Dekalb White, Hendrix Hisex White and Lohmann LSL-Lite. Results showed that egg mass and cracked egg rate in the first laying cycle (18 wk old to molted) and the second laying cycle (molted to 120 wk old) were 46.33 g vs. 43.89 g and 2.81 % vs. 4.34 % (p<0.05), respectively. Significant difference existed in the mortality rate between the two cycles (0.19 % vs. 0.28 %). The production of egg mass from strain E and strain D were significantly (p<0.05) higher than those of other strains. Strain C, strain B, and strain D had the highest average cracked egg rate. However, mortality was highest in strain B when compared with others (p<0.05). Hens in the 1st (Jan.-Mar.) season had the best egg mass and the lowest cracked egg rate, with the 3rd (Jul.-Sep.) season the worst. The average mortality rate of 3rd and 1st season was worse than 2nd (Apr.-Jun.) and 4th (Oct.-Dec.) seasons of the year (p<0.05). Feed consumption was significantly different between cold and hot season, but there was no significant in feed conversion ratio. Hens in north and south Taiwan had different mortality rate, cracked egg rate, and feed consumption. Hens had the highest production of egg mass when raised in closed-house system, however, cracked egg rate, mortality rate, and feed consumption were also higher than those in open-house system. There were various interactions of strain, season, location, and type of house on egg mass, mortality rate, and feed consumption. The data described above gave an indication of production performance commercial laying hens raised Taiwan, this should provide useful information for egg layer industry.


Laying hen Production performance


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