  • 學位論文


Development of Performing Arts Agent in Taiwan

指導教授 : 朱宗慶


表演藝術經紀人來自市場機制,主要任務在於促成市場交易與協助藝術家發展事業。經紀人透過商業運作促成市場交易,交易的過程形成資訊流通,進而對市場與產業發展產生作用力,成為表演藝術產業鏈和交易市場中不可或缺的一份子。面對國內外表演藝術市場競爭日趨激烈,有鑑於表演藝術經紀人制度有助於市場交易與發展,本研究遂以國內表演藝術經紀發展為主題,透過文獻資料彙整分析,以及與團隊、中介組織的深度訪談,從中了解經紀人的角色功能,與國內表演藝術經紀現況,並進一步找出國內表演藝術經紀的發展困境,提出發展建議。 本研究歸納出表演藝術經紀人的定義,表演藝術經紀人應以表演藝術市場為活動範圍,擁有藝術家個人、表演團隊或作品的經紀權,主要任務為促成表演藝術市場中的買方與賣方之間的交易行為,並協助藝術家發展事業,獲得經濟價值。由於表演藝術經紀人的報酬來自藝術家提供的佣金,雙方的連動關係也使經紀人從投資的角度經營藝術家,主動為藝術家開發機會。 此外,根據筆者研究結果顯示,國內的表演藝術經紀尚處於起步階段,其最主要的發展困境為國內表演藝術產業體質不健全與市場規模不足。因此,筆者認為國內如欲發展表演藝術經紀人制度僅依賴現有的市場機制,勢必難以使制度成形,必須由政府投入資源,結合民間力量,共同健全表演藝術產業體質、提升國內市場品質與規模,方能為表演藝術經紀人制度催生。


Performing arts agency comes from market mechanisms, and the agents’ job is to facilitate market transactions and to help artists build up their careers. Agents facilitate market transactions through commercial operations. In the processes of transactions form information communication and it further impacts the market and the development of the industry. This has become indispensable for the performing arts industry chain and the market. Facing the rising competition of performing arts market at home and abroad, and with a view of agency of performing arts being contributive to market transactions and development, the subject of this research is set on the development of domestic performing arts agency. Through related data compiling and analysis along with in-depth interviews with teams and intermediary organizations, the role of an agent as well as the current status of performing arts agency in the nation will be learned from this research, and a proposal of its development will be made based on further research on the dilemmas of the development of agency of performing arts in the country. This research generalized a definition for performing arts agents. A performing arts agent should ground on the performing arts market as the sphere of activities, and they have agencies for individual artists, performing arts teams or their works. Their main tasks are facilitating transactions between buyers and sellers within the performing arts market, and giving aid to artists to build up careers and obtain economic value. Due to the rewards for performing arts agents are the commissions the artists provide, the relationship between the two makes agents manage artists from the investment dimension and take the initiative to open up ways for artists. Additionally, according to the writer’s research, there’s no performing arts agency yet in our nation, and the main dilemmas of its development are the constitution of performing arts industry is not yet integral and small market scale. Therefore, the writer deems it certainly difficult to make the system forming to merely rely on the existing market mechanisms to develop the performing arts agency system in our country. Resources must be funded by the government and non-government forces must be combined to integral the constitution of performing arts and to promote the quality and the scale of domestic market, with that the performing arts agency system shall be realized in the near future.




林科呈(2012)。Live House與臺灣音樂產業之互動關係探討〔碩士論文,國立臺北藝術大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6835/TNUA.2012.00050
