  • 學位論文


Development of Web-based Framework for Disaster Management Collaboration Network

指導教授 : 孫志鴻


人類面對災害的現象,在減輕、整備、應變、復原所形成的生命週期循環中,有種種對策的產生與資源的投入等活動,以降低災害所可能帶來的生命與財產的損失。當人類對這些災害防救活動進行思考,並試圖以理性而具體的措施予以回應,以企圖提升功效,便形成了所謂「災害管理」的觀念。但由於這些需要被管理的災害防救活動不僅跨越災害生命週期各階段,更因災害現象的規模與時空的不確定性,在趨吉避凶與資源調度的應變需求下,使得災害防救活動常牽涉不同地理位置轄區、不同層級的政府,與相異專業領域之不同組織的災害防救人員之間的協同合作關係。這些被時間、空間、組織的複雜關係所切割的災害防救活動,經常在缺乏理想合作機制的情形下個別進行,使得災害防救活動的進行難以管理,而無法發揮整體的災害防救功效。本研究認為,災害防救活動的欠缺功效導因於「系統性之協同合作機制」的缺陷。而人類社會系統在自然力量的作用下,應該以系統性思維與措施做為對策,才能有效地對災害防救活動進行管理。 資通訊科技形成的網際網路環境為災害防救活動協同合作機制的加強帶來了新的契機。本研究認為,經由符合災害管理特性的系統分析,散佈於時空中的各個災害防救元素,應可藉由網際網路環境予以整合,形成一個以整體系統為特性的「災害管理協同合作網(Disaster Management Collaboration Network, DMCN) 」,來改進災害管理的問題。本研究首先指出災害防救的問題,描述災害管理的重要性,並探討災害管理的相關研究,以指出災害管理所面臨的問題與困境。針對這些問題與困境,本研究由災害之本質出發,以系統理論為核心,探究管理學原則,以網際網路環境為基礎,以我國易經哲學為指導原則,提出DMCN之概念,並以系統分析為基礎方法,結合專案管理觀念與系統功能分析法,知識管理為觀點,建構了DMCN分析方法。繼之,本研究設計一「災害管理伺服器(Disaster Management Server, DMS) 」為具體建立DMCN之工具,並以水災搶救之抽水機調度為例,實際建立研究案例之DMCN,其資訊架構,及一整合式災害管理資訊系統雛型,以說明本研究所發展方法之效用。 研究結果顯示,DMCN分析法能有效輔助災害管理活動,將較缺乏協同合作的災害防救活動現況,轉換為較有效用、具協同合作機制之具體活動模型。應用DMCN分析法與DMS,一災害管理體系中之資源、知識、人、組織、流程,與程序等,可以被有系統地整合在一起;災害管理系統中之個別人員、組織,可以在一整合的、系統的、個人化的決策環境中,與整體災害防救體系相整合;整體災害防救系統也得以具體地形成一DMCN,因而有效改善災害防救體系面對災害時管理層面之不足。


Facing disaster phenomena, human being has been putting efforts in activities of designing strategies and investing resources in the life cycle of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery, in order to reduce the impact brought by it. When an organization attempts to manage disaster prevention and response activities, the concept of “disaster management” is formed. Due to the uncertainty and variation in the magnitude, scale, location, and duration of time of disasters, the related human activities often involves with multi-phases of it’s life cycle, multi-jurisdictions, multi-level governance, multi-agencies, and their knowledge, responsibilities and resources. These standalone activities fragmented by organization’s responsibility, time and space precede individually and become difficult to manage. As a result, the disaster prevention and response activities cannot perform as a whole. Failure of performing “system” function is the cause. Therefore, human society should response to it in the systematic thinking and action as a counter-strategy for the management against disaster. This research argues that the internet era has brought the new opportunity. A methodology based on the system analysis on characteristics of disaster management, isolated and fragmented activities in the realm of time and space can be integrated into a whole system via the infrastructure of internet, forming a disaster management collaboration network (DMCN) should be developed. This research first pointed out the problem of disaster prevention and response, the importance of disaster management, then investigated the past works of disaster management in order to discover the inherited difficulties. Based on the findings, the research first discovered the nature of disaster, used the system theory as its core, reviewing the development and principles of management, based on the internet environment, under the guidance of Chinese I-Ching philosophy, proposed the concept of DMCN. From the view of knowledge management, this research combines methods from both system analysis and project management, established a DMCN analysis method. This research also built a disaster management server (DMS) as a tool to facilitate the establishment of the network. This research then applies it to the establishment the DMCN of Taipei city and developed a prototype of an integrated disaster management information system for Taipei city flooding disaster response collaboration, in order to validate this method. The result of this research shows users of this prototype system based on DMCN can easily, systematically, and effectively handle his/her knowledge, resources, and activities in this integrated, systematic, and personalized environment. This research has verified and validated that the DMCN analysis method can actually transform the current situation of lacking collaboration into a more effective mechanism, to facilitate the processes of disaster management.


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