  • 學位論文


A Study on the Optimization of Space Integration in Building Construction

指導教授 : 陳柏翰


建築工程之型態,隨著使用者的需求提升、社會經濟之成長及營建產業趨勢之變化,複雜度日漸提升,以傳統公寓單純提供使用功能之建築型態已不復見。現代建築就像是一座大型的公共藝術,呈現出驚豔的視覺效果之餘,相對的也伴隨著複雜的設計圖面以及施工的高度困難性。建築空間中,多樣性的建材相互搭配已是常態,加上複雜的機電管路配置,讓建築空間整合的困難度越來越高。除了考驗設計人員對於圖說繪製之完整度外,也造成現場工程人員對於施工順序與工程介面處理之困擾。因此,如何解決建築空間整合之難題,進而達到空間整合最佳化設計,便是本研究所要達成之目標。 本研究以住宅工程中,複雜度較高的梯廳空間以及浴廁空間為例,透過專家訪談及文獻回顧,建立出建築空間內之標準作業流程。並運用商用軟體SketchUp建立空間中各項建材之3D模型,搭配標準作業流程建構出四維度電腦模擬,將平面設計圖之規劃在電腦上預先呈現,檢討出工程上窒礙難行之處,回饋至平面設計圖修正,降低現場施作之錯誤機率。並且將四維度模擬之結果,再次進行專家訪談,透過專家豐富的工程規畫與施工經驗,檢討出平面設計圖說規劃時,應進行檢核之項目,建構出建築設計檢核表。並且在機電系統當中,以點、線、面之思維,建立出機電空間管理準則。將機電各系統依照重要性進行分類後,彙整出各類系統所應遵守的要點。期望透過建築設計檢核表及機電空間管理準則,讓設計人員能夠將設計圖面進行體檢,篩檢出規劃不佳之處。藉由源頭的管理,讓建築空間在設計定案的那一刻起,便趨近了空間整合最佳化之目標。


Building engineering has been complicated with changes in uses demands、socio-economic growth and trends of the construction industry, the single function buildings like traditional apartments have been diminished slowly. In these days, modern architecture is presented as a large-scale public art, showing stunning visual impacts at the same time leading to a relatively complicated design drawings and high degree of construction difficulty. Building with diversified building materials has become the norm, not to mention the complexity in HVAC layouts; all these have been challenging the integrity of design drawings、 the ability to handle building field work and integration of subcontractors. Thus, this thesis is to find the best solution in conquer the hardship in integrating architectural space, and to find the optimal design as the result of spatial integration. This study has directed its emphasis in two most complicated spaces of housing project-lobby and bathroom. Through interviews with experts and review of thesis and published articles, this study is aimed to establish the standard operating procedures of building spatial integration. The implementation of 3D modeling with SketchUp with all building materials involved can demonstrate a four-dimensional computer simulation with the help of standard operating procedures. This will turn 2D drawings into three-dimensional images which will allow reviews of engineering difficulties of which will feedback to designers and architects to adjust design. This will lower the mistakes in the field by far. This four-dimensional computer simulation is then taken further to experts for comments on engineering planning and construction feasibility. As the result, we could achieve a checklist for architectural design drawings. Then with the same procedure to think of the HVAC system, from point, line, to surface, then 3D, and 4D, to achieve the checklist for HVAC design drawings in accordance to its importance. We expect these two checklists (architectural design checklist and HVAC checklist) could provide tools for designer to examine design drawings and review planning imperfect. By managing the source, we look forward to see the optimal design since the moment it is defined.


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