  • 學位論文


The Impact of COVID-19 on School Lunch- A Case Study of Green Bean Sprouts

指導教授 : 張宏浩 楊豐安


2019年受新冠肺炎病毒影響,全球各地疫情不斷升溫,我國為減少群聚感染風險,教育部多次宣布高中以下學童停止到學校上課,無預警的停課讓全台各地菜農受到衝擊,以全國國中以下學童約有186萬名為例,每日營養午餐需食用約280公噸的蔬菜,一週停課五天,將滯銷約1400公噸的蔬菜。營養午餐蔬菜食材分為根莖、瓜果類及短期葉菜類居多,前兩種可延後採收與耐儲藏,可轉批發市場販售,但短期葉菜類每日約有56~84公噸無處可去,面臨產銷失衡問題。 Covid-19疫情爆發,停班停課未來若成為常態,對團膳業者及供應農產品食材的農友面臨極大衝擊,農民臨時要拋售如此大量的蔬菜以及面臨生鮮農產櫥架壽命低的問題,拍賣市場菜價高點時,蔬菜轉售或許容易,假設菜價平穩時,低價拋售可能影響市場整體菜價,對團膳供應鏈及整體農產拍賣市場造成極大威脅。 供應國內團膳業者食材的農產公司、農民團體以及農政單位面對如此艱鉅的大環境改變,電商蔬菜箱宅配與小包裝連鎖超市販售型態在疫情影響之下業績也大幅上升,疫情停課影響了營養午餐的團膳蔬菜供應鏈卻也帶起了不同的消費型態轉變。 本研究針對以B公司供應營養午餐芽菜綠豆芽出貨量進行探討,透過2018年至2021年數據資料進行迴歸分析推導,分析疫情前後營養午餐芽菜量與價的變動及產業待改善的問題,推導後發現疫情停課後芽菜雖貨量下降但單位價格卻上升,原因可能是因為消費型態轉變進而影響價格,故整體營業額並未下降反而小幅成長。


In 2019, affected by Covid-19, the epidemic situation around the world continued to increase. In order to reduce the risk of cluster infection in my country, the Ministry of Education has repeatedly announced that children below high school will stop attending school. For example, there are about 1.86 million schoolchildren below. They need to eat about 280 metric tons of vegetables for a nutritious lunch every day. Schools will be suspended for five days a week, and about 1,400 metric tons of vegetables will be unsold. Nutritious lunch vegetables are mostly divided into roots, fruits, and short-term leafy vegetables. The first two can be delayed for harvesting and storage or can be sold in wholesale markets. However, about 56-84 metric tons of short-term leafy vegetables have nowhere to go every day, facing the problem of imbalance between production and sales. The situation of the Covid-19, if the off work and student can’t go to school becomes the norm in the future, it will have a big impact on group catering operators and farmers who supply agricultural products and ingredients. When vegetable prices in the market are high, it may be easy to resell vegetables. Assuming that vegetable prices are stable, selling at low prices may affect the overall vegetable prices in the market, posing a great threat to the group meal supply chain and the overall agricultural product auction market. The agricultural companies、farmer groups and agricultural administration units how to solve the problem is the most important to do. They change the package to other way. Such like e-commerce vegetable box home delivery and small-package supermarket chain sales have also experienced a significant increase in performance under the influence of the Covid-19. The suspension of classes has affected the supply chain of group meals vegetables for school lunch, but it has also brought about changes in different consumption patterns. This study discusses the shipments of sprouts and green bean sprouts supplied by Company B for school lunch. Analysis and deduction from the data from 2018 to 2021, discussing the changes in the quantity and price of the school lunch sprouts before and after the Covid-19, and the problems to be improved in the industry. After deduction, it was found that although the volume of sprouts decreased after the school was closed, the unit price increased. The reason may be that the change in consumption patterns affected the price, so the overall turnover did not decrease but grew slightly.


連海生(2000)。基隆市國民小學學生午餐經營規模效應現況調查分析研究。取自: https://hdl.handle.net/11296/bn6wrw。
