  • 學位論文


The Feasibility Of Vertical Farming Located In Mainland China

指導教授 : 陳俊忠
共同指導教授 : 黃崇興(Chung-Hsing Huang)


中文摘要 人為過度開發的破壞,加上未來常態性的天候異常肆虐,廣大農民的生計和國家安全存糧都會遭遇巨大的考驗。如2011年的長江下游多省,數月的乾旱導致洞庭湖、鄱陽湖等原本水鄉澤國之地變成可以放牧與行車;不料經三日大雨,卻又變成澇災氾濫,人民苦不堪言。 中國得天獨厚的可以大規模建置植物工廠,最大的利基在於土地的國有化,也就是可以節省土地的使用成本,這也是本研究選定大陸為背景對象的首要考量。植物工廠的建置區域,是以大陸的第二與三線城市為規劃,目前並不適宜在偏遠區域,主要是考量交通、運輸、物流、水資源、電力供應等基礎建設之完備性與優先順序等問題。 大架構的國家級規劃與商業運轉,描繪出未來植物工廠可在政策的扶育下成長,相關的利益關聯者也可以在此一骨幹裡得以獲利繁衍。由上而下的政策引導,會較由廠商參差不齊的各自發展來的有效又不會浪費資源。規格化,是植物工廠成為國際碳交易商品的必要途徑,也藉此在綠色的金融國際市場開闢財源。 植物工廠裡生生不息的環境良性循環與快速潔淨的農作收成,提供了二十一世紀環境與糧食的完整解決方案,中國,勢必將因此再度成為全球人類期待的目光焦點。 關鍵字 : 天候異常、植物工廠、土地國有化、國家級規劃、商業運轉 。


ABSTRACT NAME: I-YU CHIANG MONTH/YEAR: JUNE, 2011 ADVISOR : Chun-Chung Chen, PhD. AND Chung-Hsing Huang, PhD TITLE: The Feasibility Of Vertical Farming Located In Mainland China The destruction of human over-exploitation, coupled with the unfavorable extreme weather conditions, the livelihood of farmers and national security stocks of foods will face a huge challenge overall. Such as the downstream of Yangtze River in 2011, many provinces, months of drought led to the Dongting Lake, Poyang Lake and other lands which were water realm in the past, can be grazing and traffic; unexpectedly three days after heavy rain, but turned into floods spread, how miserable the people are. China has the ability and capacity to build up Vertical Farming to large-scale factories, the biggest niche is the nationalization of land, that is, land users can save the cost of renting or buying, for which is the top priority background of this study, to select China to be the candidate of Vertical Farming. The buildings area of Vertical Farming, based on the mainland for the secondary and the third-class cities, and currently is not suitable for remote areas, the main consideration such as traffic, transportation, logistics, water, electricity supply and other infrastructures are the issues. Framework for national planning and a large commercial operation, describing the future policy of Vertical Farming can help and to grow, and the relevant stakeholders can also be profitable in this backbone structure. Top-down policy guidance, would be more effective and cost-saving than all the manufacturers to develop their own styles. Standardization , is the necessary strategy of Vertical Farming to become an international commodities of carbon right trading, but also to create an source of income from the international green energy markets. In Vertical Farming, we have clean environment with virtuous cycle of fast crop farming, and provides a total solution of environment protection and food strategy in twenty-first century ,and China, soon, will catch the expectant focus of the humankind all over the world.


39. 行政院環境保護署 2004世界水質監測日
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