  • 學位論文

攔阻終末者─政治神學家Carl Schmitt與Katechon學說

The Restrainer of Eschaton: Political Theologian Carl Schmitt and the Teaching of Katechon

指導教授 : 顏厥安


國內對於Schmitt著作的引介大多基於其在法學上(集中於公法)或是政治思想上的貢獻,惟若依照Heinrich Meier對Schmitt的研究所指出,Schmitt思想中神學的部分亦為相當重要,甚至是最重要的一環。本文從Schmitt在書中時常使用的概念”Katechon”出發─保羅書信中攔阻不法之人,推遲世界終末來到的人/力量。首先從傳統經文釋義學上剖析Katechon各種不同的解釋,以此了解Schmitt在著作中引用的概念是基於何種解釋傳統而來。Schmitt認為Katechon這個概念可以在歷史論與終末論不可調和的矛盾中搭起一座橋樑,因而使世界歷史對基督宗教是有意義的。雖然Schmitt在不同著作段落中Katechon各有其所指,但可簡單歸納為Katechon是對中立化技術時代的反動力量,也因此對Karl Lowith的神學─歷史觀作出了回應。Schmitt想要以Katechon來阻止世界的管理技術化,而自由主義者想要以管理技術化來減弱政治的敵我區分,但如Agamben所指出管理與政治同為源自於基督宗教三一論的裝置(apparatus)之兩極,因此雙方的努力註定失敗。攔阻者、不法者皆為apparatus,那麼能使其停止運作的方法就是讓君主降臨缺席的統治。政治神學引入終末論的難處在於對現狀維持的渴望超過對於終末的盼望,真正的終末無法被阻止或是加速。


The Secondary Literatures of Carl Schmitt focus mainly on the contribution of law (on public law) or political thought in our country. Although according to the research of Heinrich Meier on Schmitt,the theology part of the Schmittian thought is also very important, even the most crucial part.In this thesis I will start from the concept of “Katechon”- the man/force who restrains the Lawless man in Pauline Letters, delays the Eschaton of the World,which Schmitt used offen in his writings.First, starting from the traditional biblical exegesis examing the different explanations of Katechon, thus we may understand on which tradtions Schmitt refer to ,on the conception of Katechon. Schmitt thought that the concept of Katechon may make a bridge between the history and the eschaton, therefore the world history is meaningful for Christianity. Although Schmitt indicates different kinds of Katechon in different writings, but we can simply conclude that Katechon is the anti-force against the Neuralizing technical time,so it replied the theological-historical view of Karl Lowith.Schmitt wanted to stop the world being management and technical by Katechon, and the Liberals want to decrease the political enemy-friend distinction by being management and technical, but as Agamben points out, the management and the political are both the two polar of one Apparatus, which originated from the Trinitian Doctrine of Christianity.So both their effort doomed to fail. The restrainer and the lawless both are the apparatus, so the way to stop the function of it is to let the king “parousia”, i.e sitting in the throne . The problem of political theology which intcludes Eschatology is that it lets the desire of staus-quo compass the hope of Eschaton.After all, the real Eschaton will never be retrained nor be accelerated.


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