  • 學位論文


Assessment Model of Service Quality for Bus Rapid Transit Systems

指導教授 : 張學孔




Bus Rapid Transit System was first implemented in South America and its successful experience had been learned by cities around the world. The BRT systems have been tremendously grown in the last decade. From 1992 to 2001, only 23 cities had implemented new BRT systems or busways while 123 cities have implemented BRT systems since 2002. Today, more than 168 cities around the world have implemented 4,400 kilometers of BRT which carry over 30 million daily passenger trips. However, there were few researches on the evaluation of service quality for BRT systems. This paper aims to develop a method for accessing the service quality of BRT system. First, delay has been selected as the SQ indicator based on review of previous researches. Then, the data and influences of important factors on delay are generated by the simulation of Taichung BRT system. Regression analysis is then applied to develop the mathematical model and identify the relationship of delay and other important factors. Last, the study proposes the classification model for SQ accordingly. It is expected that the results of this paper could help of conducting SQ assessment and formulating improvement strategies for the existing BRT systems as well as conducting planning and design of new BRT systems.


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