  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship between the Land-Use Change in Lugu Township and the Development of Sitou Forest Recreation

指導教授 : 鄭欽龍


本論文以南投縣鹿谷鄉為例,探討森林遊樂對土地利用變遷之間的關係。本文首先蒐集鹿谷鄉歷年的農業土地利用耕作面積,以農業經濟學常用的維生模型(subsistence model)以及開放經濟模型(open economy model)與邏輯曲線和創新擴散為理論基礎,蒐集相關資料,整理鹿谷鄉土地利用資料的演變以及溪頭森林遊樂區的資料,再利用邏輯曲線輔以創新擴散理論來探討鹿谷鄉糧食作物稻米、甘薯與現金作物茶兩者耕作面積之關係。研究結果顯示,本研究建立之模型理論與實際相符,意即農民在選擇種植糧食作物或現金作物係會受到外在市場條件所左右。分析結果更顯示,1970年以後稻米和甘薯等糧食作物種植面積減少,現金作物茶的種植面積增加的趨勢最為明顯。本研究推測此係由於溪頭森林遊樂區於1970年開園後引來每年近百萬人次的遊客,故而開啟茶葉市場,間接促使鹿谷鄉農民增加茶葉此現金作物之耕種面積。


土地利用變遷 森林遊樂 旅遊 茶葉 鹿谷 溪頭


This paper discusses the relationship between Sitou Forest Nature Education area and Lugu Township’s land-use change in Nantou. This research is interested in Lugu agricultural land-use cultivation for the past years. Also, researchers had been collecting Sitou’s total tourists and historical analysis. Using subsistence model and open economy model, logistic curve and innovation theory, the collected data analyzes the relationship between the farming area about both the food crops, such as rice, sweet potatoes and cash crops, such as tea. The results show that the model established in this study supports the theory and practice, which means that the farmers grew food crops or cash crops because of the external market conditions. The results also show that after 1970s, the planting area of food crops, such as rice and sweet potato, reduced dramatically, while the planting area of cash crops tea increased. This paper shows that after 1970s, due to the opening of Sitou Forest Nature Education area, nearly one million tourists visited Lugu each year. As a result, Lugu farmers increased their production of cash crops.


land-use change forest recreaion tourism tea industry Lugu Sitou


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