  • 學位論文


From The Straits Times to Nanyang Siang Pau: A Study of News Translation in British Malaya and Singapore, 1945-1957

指導教授 : 石岱崙


本論文將探討殖民時期影響馬來亞與新加坡的英中新聞翻譯活動之因素。研究範圍從1945年至1957年,也就是二戰後至馬來亞獨立前。研究對象為教育課題的相關新聞,英文原文取自《海峽時報》,而中文譯文則取自《南洋商報》。本研究將採用 van Dijk 的批判話語分析框架與其所提出的「意識形態矩陣」(ideological square)來進行分析。我主張由贊助者(patrons)所施加的意識形態在翻譯的過程中有著重大的影響。至於所謂贊助者,我認為儘管英國殖民政府在馬來亞與新加坡文化和語言方面形成霸權,但本地華人出版商掌握著華文新聞的出版,因此殖民時期星馬的英中新聞翻譯,本地華人出版商才是主導的贊助者。


This study will investigate the factors that influence the practice of news translation in Malaya and Singapore in a colonial context. The time frame of this study is from 1945 to 1957, which is from the surrender of Japan to the independence of Malaya. English news articles on issues of education in Malaya and Singapore and their corresponding Chinese translations are selected from The Straits Times and Nanyang Siang Pau respectively. I will employ van Dijk’s critical discourse analysis framework and his concept of “ideological square” in my analysis. I claim that ideology, which enforced by patrons, has a major impact on the translation process. Speaking of who the patrons were, I argue that although the British government had superiority over the colonized Malaya and Singapore in terms of culture and language, the local Chinese publishers had more control over the publication of Chinese news. They were the more powerful patrons who governed English-Chinese news translation in Malaya and Singapore during the colonial period.


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'Case for action on Chinese higher education'. (1953, March 25). The Straits Times, p. 7.
