  • 學位論文


Balance of Power and the Sino-American Relations (2000-2012):Examining the Concept of Soft-Balancing

指導教授 : 張登及




The explanation of Balance of Power theory is being questioned in the post-Cold War era, especially after the beginning of the Iraq war in 2003. Literature of IR scholarship found that secondary powers attempting to frustrate the aggressive unilateral behavior of George W. Bush administration mainly adopted non-military means, which promped the concept of “soft-balancing”. The concept of “soft- balancing” has caused intense debates as it revises the inadequacies of the previous theories on “balance of power”. However, due to the lack of clear definition, systematic analysis as well as case examination, “soft-balancing” as a new concept and its applicability remains doubtful. This study re-examines the literature on the Balance of Power theory, the concept of balancing and soft-balancing in order to establish the definition and tangible indicators for “soft-balancing”. Furthermore, the author verifies the objectives and results of China’s “balancing” behavior towards the United States as a case study to answer question of whether the “soft-balancing” is indeed a workable, foreign strategy. The case study focuses on the Sino-American relations in the period from 2000 to 2012 and explores four separate fields: (1) Security field: Shanghai Cooperation Organization; (2) Political field: the UN Human Rights regime; (3) International trade field: the “ASEAN + N” trade cooperation; (4) International finance field: the IMF. All four case studies concentrate on the China’s employment of “soft-balancing” strategies in bilateral relations and multilateral diplomacy with other countries to balance the United States without causing immediate reaction from Washington. In conclusion, this study clarifies the difference and purposes between “soft-balancing,” “balancing” and “balance of power”. It further verifies the applicability of “soft-balancing” within the case of Sino-American relations. The concept of soft-balancing is indeed an important foreign policy strategy for China to weaken the U.S. dominance in various fields and pursue a revised, favorable power distribution.


Walt, Stephen M. (2005). Taming American Power: The Global Response to U.S. Primacy, New York: W. W. Norton.


恩和烏英嘎(2016)。蒙古國「第三鄰國」政策對外戰略的起源與發展: 中國因素影響之分析〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201600579
