  • 學位論文


Revising Time Limitations on Taxable Amounts of Sales Return and Its Obligation in the Business Tax Act

指導教授 : 葛克昌
共同指導教授 : 黃茂榮


營業稅是以「消費」為稅捐客體所課徵的稅捐,當滿足稅捐構成要件之銷售事實時,使稅捐債務發生。然為解決舊制重複課稅問題,我國仿照歐洲先進國家採用加值型營業稅新制,藉由進銷項稅額扣抵的方式,逐步將稅捐轉嫁至最終購買的消費者身上。 然交易總有不盡人意的時候,當買賣雙方營業人間發生解除契約辦理銷貨退回時,在稅務的處理上,針對稅捐客體消滅情形,營業稅法有其特別規定,允許營業人藉由調整稅額之方式,以待回復原狀。而在此調整稅額的過程中,常見稽徵機關並未考量到銷貨退回與進貨退出其實是一體兩面的問題,使得不論是銷售方營業人,抑或是進貨方營業人在加值型營業稅新制中皆會遭遇到一些的稅捐上難題,加重其稅捐上的負擔。本文首先釐清銷貨退回之法律概念,作邏輯上的開展,另一方面將實務上有關行政法院的判決所涉及的相關爭議問題加以系統化的整理歸納,以期能將問題輪廓清楚呈現,企盼實務或學界能共同面對問題、認識問題,並解決問題,以緩和對經濟成長動能所生之不利因素。


Business tax is a kind of obligation which belongs to consumptions and will occur when it conforms to the rules. However, double taxation is the most essential problem while collecting business tax.In order to solve the problem of double taxation, Taiwan law adopted the system of Value Added Tax (VAT) from Europe. By using this new system, the amount of business tax payable by a business entity will be the difference between the output tax in a tax period and the input tax in the same period, which gradually shifted the tax burden to the final consumers. To be more specific, when the business entity applies for cancellation of a contract to file sales returns, the tax law prescribes specific rules which allow the business entity to make restitution through revising the amount of tax. However, in Taiwan, the Board of National Tax Administration does not realize that purchase returns should be adjusted accordingly with sales returns, which cause problems when filing the tax and increase additional burden to both seller and buyer.The purpose of this thesis is to show the outline of this problem by clarifying the legal concept of sales returns and organizing the related judgments made by the Administrative Court. It can be expected that after classifying these questions, both judgment in the court and the scholarly community can fully realize the problem and amend a more reasonable tax law to facilitate the economic development.


