  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationship between the Royal Government and the Military Governors in Jiannan Area in the Tang Dynasty (762-787)

指導教授 : 甘懷真


摘要 劍南地區又稱蜀地或巴蜀,唐太宗時設劍南道,唐玄宗設劍南節度使。安史之亂後被分為西川、東川二節度使,加上山南西道節度使,又統稱為劍南三川。劍南地區在唐代常被視為長安政權的屏障與財庫,但劍南地區因其封閉的地理環境,獨特的地方文化,卻又隱藏著割據獨立傾向。代、德時期唐朝中央威權不振,對地方控制力急劇衰弱。此情況下,劍南地區地方叛亂不斷,已然出現割據傾向,最終在代宗治下的765年,演變成地方武人崔寧襲殺節帥郭英乂,繼而引發蜀中大亂。儘管唐朝最終平定了亂局,劍南節度使在亂後卻再度被切分為西川、東川。在安撫妥協與利益交換後,叛亂者崔寧歸附中央政權,並被唐廷授予西川節度使頭銜,東川節度使由劍南本地土豪家族代表李叔明擔任。自此劍南地區重獲穩定,此局面一直保持到代宗去世。 代宗的繼任者德宗上台伊始就改變藩鎮政策,強硬對待藩鎮,劍南和西北諸鎮成為德宗藩鎮政策的第一批試驗者。德宗依靠代宗所留下的政治遺產,迅速取得成功,地方武人出身的崔寧、張獻恭等劍南節帥被唐廷中央官僚取代,西川和山南西道都被重新納入唐朝官僚支配體系中。隨著783年涇師之變及由此引發的建中大亂爆發,劍南地區政治格局再度變化。為酬謝劍南三鎮節帥在亂局中的貢獻,德宗給予三鎮極大政治禮遇和縱容。從而導致原本被納入官僚支配體系中的西川,逐漸重回崔寧時代的武人政治,山南西道則被同為土豪勢力的嚴震所掌控,劍南地區再度回到代宗時的狀況。值得注意的是,代、德兩朝,無論西川、山南西道地方政治如何變化,東川都牢牢為劍南土豪勢力所掌握。 因此,本文主旨就是討論代、德時劍南地區的政治發展,劍南和中央政局間的關係。以四個面向進行討論。第一個面向為分析安史之亂前後,為何劍南節度使治下會出現地方分權型的內部權力結構,以此結構入手分析蜀中大亂的成因和過程。同時,一窺蜀中大亂後東、西川分立對劍南軍政結構演變的影響。第二個面向是探討唐朝授予叛亂者崔寧節度使之位的原因,揭示崔寧和唐廷間的真實關係。第三個面向就是梳理德宗建中至貞元時期,劍南政治格局的變化過程。呈現唐廷如何加強在劍南的控制力,劍南諸鎮又如何藉助建中之亂逐漸擺脫中央,回歸代宗朝的狀態。第四個面向探討代德時劍南土豪官僚的崛起、發展和衰弱。


Abstract The Jiannan Area is also known as Shu or Ba Shu, Emperor Taizong set up Jiannan Province(劍南道) and Emperor Xuanzong appointed military governor of Jiannan(劍南節度使).After the An-Shi Rebellion(安史之亂), Jiannan Area was divided into two parts, the Xichuan(西川)and the Dongchuan(東川). The two areas and Shannanxi Province(山南西道) were known as the Three Chuans of Jiannan(劍南三川). The Jiannan Area was often seen as a barrier and treasury by the royal government of the Tang Dynasty. But due to its enclosed geographic environment and unique local culture, it also had a hidden tendency to declare independence. At the same time the control of the Tang royal government over local governments was weakening. Rebellions continually occur in the Jiannan Area in this situation. Finally in 765, the death of Guo Yinyi(郭英乂), the chief of the military governor of Jiannan who was killed by Cui Ning(崔寧), triggered a massive rebellion in the Jiannan Area. Although the royal government of Tang Dynasty quelled the rebellion, the Jiannan Area was once again divided(separated) as Dongchuan and Xichuan. Following a compromise and an exchange of benefits, the rebel Cui Ning surrendered and and took control of the Xichuan Area, while Li Shuming(李叔明), a representative of a Local Tyrants(土豪勢力) in Jiannan, took control of the Dongchuan Area. From then on, the Jiannan Area remained stable for a long time until the death of Emperor Daizong. The successor of Emperor Daizong, Emperor Dezong changed former policy and took up a very strong stance against the military governor. Xichuan and northwestern districts was the first place where took the brunt of Dezong’s tough policy. Emperor Dezong achieved success with the help of the political legacy of Emperor Daizong. The Tang dynasty reincorporated the Xichuan(西川)and Shannanxi province(山南西道)into the bureaucratic system, and Cui Ning and Zhang was replaced by central bureaucrats.With Jingshi Rebellion(涇師之變) and Jianzhong Rebellion(建中之亂)the situation in Jiannan Area changed. As a token of his gratitude for the contributions of the military governors in the Jiannan Area, Emperor Dezong connived at the development of local power in Jiannan Area. This led to military generals becoming military governors of Xichuan, and the Shananxi province being controlled by Local Tyrants Yan Zhen(嚴震), where was under control of royal government before. The Jiannan area was back to the situation which existed at the time of Emperor Daizong’s domination, specifically in 765. It is important to note that the Dongchuan Area remained local forces’ control, no matter how the local politics of Xichuan and Shannanxi Province changed during this period. This thesis is a discussion about the political development of the Jiannan Area during 762-787, and the political relationship between the Jiannan Area and the royal government. This thesis follows four key points. First, it is important to analyze why there has a decentralized power structure in the Jiannan Area under the control of the military governors. On this basis, the thesis will discuss the causes and the process of the Jiannan Rebellion(蜀中大亂)and try to understand the impact of the Jiannan Rebellion on the political and military transformation of the Jiannan Area. Second, this thesis discusses why the royal government of the Tang dynasty recruited the rebel Cui Ning and at the same time acquiesced to his control of Xichuan. In other words, this thesis tries to reveal the relationship between Cui Ning and the royal government. The third point is to sort out the political transformation of the Jiannan Area during 780-787. How the royal government of the Tang Dynasty strengthened its control? How the military governors in Jiannan Area took advantage of the Jianzhong Rebellion to gradually escape from the control of the Tang Dynasty? The fourth point mainly discusses the rise and decline of Bureaucratic Local Tyrants(土豪官僚勢力) in Jiannan Area during 767-787.


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