  • 學位論文

家庭衝突及社會支持對青少年憂鬱情緒及偏差行為之 影響:補償抑或緩衝作用

The Influence of Family Conflict and Social Support to Adolescent Depressed Mood and Deviant Behavior: the Compensatory or Protective Model

指導教授 : 陳毓文


1970年代,發展心理學界改變了傳統的研究取向,在研究中關注人在逆境中如何維持健康的適應與發展能力,將有助於個體在高壓危險的逆境中維持正向適應的心理社會資源統稱為保護因子。本研究目的在於了解家庭衝突對青少年憂鬱情緒及偏差行為的影響,並嘗試探討在家庭衝突的壓力之下,社會支持是否能夠成為保護因子。研究假設如下:女性較憂鬱,男性偏差行為較多;年齡愈大則憂鬱情緒與偏差行為的情況皆會愈嚴重;家庭衝突愈嚴重,青少年愈憂鬱,偏差行為也愈多。此外也提出一研究問題:社會支持對青少年憂鬱情緒及偏差行為而言,是有直接影響效果(補償模型)抑或是具有間接的緩衝效果(緩衝模型)。 本研究採量化研究方法,以分層隨機抽樣抽取台灣地區北、中、南、東四區之國中、高中、高職學生為研究對象,進行自陳式問卷調查,研究樣本共1416人,有效問卷數為1396份。研究結果如下:一、在控制的情境下,性別、年齡僅在青少年憂鬱情緒上有顯著差異,在偏差行為上則無差異。女性、年齡愈長者,青少年憂鬱情緒得分愈高。二、雙親衝突與親子衝突愈嚴重,青少年愈憂鬱、偏差行為也愈多,且親子衝突的解釋力要比雙親衝突來得大。三、社會支持對於面對家庭衝突的青少年而言具有直接的補償作用,然而並非所有的社會支持都有顯著的影響,在青少年憂鬱情緒部份,三種社會支持中,僅有同儕支持對青少年有直接的補償作用,擁有愈多的同儕支持,青少年的憂鬱情緒得分會愈低;而偏差行為的部份,則是專業支持對青少年有直接的補償作用,專業支持愈多的青少年,其偏差行為也愈少。四、在緩衝模型方面,不同來源的社會支持對於不同的家庭衝突會產生不同的交互作用效果,專業支持在雙親衝突對青少年憂鬱情緒及偏差行為的影響中扮演保護穩定的效果,擁有較多支持即能消除衝突所造成的負面影響,家外成年人支持在親子衝突對青少年憂鬱情緒的影響中也有同樣的效果;而同儕支持在雙親衝突對青少年憂鬱情緒的影響中,以及專業支持在親子衝突對青少年情緒的影響中,則擁有保護反應的交互作用效果,保護因子在衝突較少時擁有保護的作用,當衝突較多時,其保護的效果則較不顯著。根據此研究結果,提出家庭衝突處遇介入的方法與時機,以及強化青少年的同儕、家外,及專業支持等建議。


During the 1970s, the concern of Developmental Psychology had turned to the ability make individuals adapt successfully despite the presence of significant stress or adversity. They called the resources which help individuals to adapt successfully protective factors. The purpose of this study is to understand the influence of family conflict to adolescent depressed mood and diviant behavior, and also to see if social support would be a protective factor undering the stress of family conflict. This research hypothesize that gender, age, and family conflict are all related to adolescent depressed mood and deviant behavior. The two models of protective factors will be examined. The compensatory model hypothesizes that the protective factors have directly ameliorative effects while the protective model argues that the combined effect of risk factors with certain protective factors may reduce negative outcomes. The study conducted a survey with 1,416 adolescences in Taiwan. The findings of this study indicate that considering the influence of other variables, parent marital conflict and parent-adolescent conflict both can explain adolescent depressed mood and deviant behaviors: the more serious conflict, the higher depressed mood and more deviant behaviors is.Not all kinds of Social supports have compensatory effects to adolescent depressed mood and deviant behaviors: peer support has main effect to adolescent depressed mood while professional support has main effect to deviant behaviors. In the protective model, the interaction of parent marital conflict with professional support has protective-stabiliaing effects to adolescent depressed mood and deviant behaviors. The protective factors help maintain stability of outcomes. The interaction of parent-adolescent conflict with the support from adults outside the family has the same effects to adolescent depressed mood. The interaction of parent marital conflict with peer support has protective-reactive effects to adolescent depressed mood. The protective factors help individuals generally advantage, but much more so when stress levels are low. The interaction of parent-adolescent conflict with professional support has the same effects to adolescent depressed mood.




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